Category: space

A New Dutch Reiki Practice “Mystic Ways”

By guest writer Veronique Lamers

Click here and follow Veronique via her personal Face Book

Sitting outside in the sun with my laptop in front of me, I would like to write a couple of words concerning my Reiki Practice, which I hope to open very soon, and briefly tell you where my journey in Healing began. How it came about that I embraced it at already a young age.

Spiritual Healing runs in our family. My father used to put his hands on those areas where we felt physical pain. I remember me falling on my knee and my father was holding his hand over my knee and I felt the pain subsiding. This event had left a deep impression with me. Later in time I realized that I could do this myself as well but, at that point in my life, I didn’t know how to deal (work) with it in a correct and controlled manner.

As far as I can remember I always had a particular energy radiating from my hands what had a warm and tingling feeling. I even managed to make electric devices run wild or even create a malfunction. An ability what is not really useful if you go to a casino with your loved one and you set off  the alarm of a slot machine.

Anyway, the true reason I started to study Reiki-Ushi. was because of my husband. He has OPS, painter’s disease. This is a disease what is accompanied by a lot of headaches and physical limitations. Each time I put my hand on his head he start to feel calm and his pain reduced dramatically.  

I dove into the ancient knowledge of Reiki – Usui and started participating in those courses.

The last initiation, the 3rd degree, Masters, was given by a good friend what I experienced as very intense and special. During my Reiki courses I also created the business page “Mystic Ways” on Face Book.

At I first started with remote healings and healings which I carried out at the homes of my clients on a folding couch that I was carrying with me all the time. This way I was able to treat clients on a regularly base with a lot of love. This radiating love I always have send the client after a remote healing treatment as well.

Reiki is something what is woven in my heart and I really want to continue this. So, I have taken this exciting step to furnish a small but professional space in my home so that, once this terrifying virus, aka Covid, is reduced in its presence, I can receive people who will benefit from my spiritual healings.

Reiki is a long term learning process and I would love to gain the diploma of “magnetization” as well as more types of Reiki initiations. This way I can be even more present for those people who need it and at the same time continue to relieve my husband from those moments in where he experiences physical pains.

I hope to have given you a little insight into why I love doing this so much!

Lots of love, Veronique

Does Our Consciousness Holds the Key to a More Fulfilling Life on Every Level?

With philosopher, teacher and internationally renowned consciousness researcher, Justin Faermen

Click the ‘PLAY-BUTTON’ in ‘THE NEXT TRUTH…ONLINE RADIO’ on the right and listen to the TNT-Podcast interview of Philosopher and consciousness researcher Justin Fearman

“Are you sure/That we are awake? It seems to me/That yet we sleep, we dream”

William Shakespeare, among others, already spoke about the different states of consciousness. Still, none have yet a clue what this state of mind truly is or, why we are in the possession of it.

Simply said, consciousness is “sentience of internal and/or external existence.” But despite millennia of analyses, definitions, explanations and debates by philosophers and scientists, consciousness remains a mysterious puzzle.

Is conscious the true reality? And if so, who is perceiving who? Are we perceiving consciousness or is consciousness perceiving us?

I am your host Maria Anna van Driel… and you’re listening to “The Next Truth; Where Science and Myth Meet”… and this week I am speaking with teacher, philosopher, internationally renowned consciousness researcher Justin Faerman … about what consciousness is, why we posses it and, how we can apply the knowledge received from our consciousness to our life and daily activities.


Does the Human Brain Serves as the Conduit for the Flow of Information from Alternate Realities?

With radio host, UFO investigator and author, Philip Kinsella

Click the ‘PLAY-BUTTON’ in ‘THE NEXT TRUTH…ONLINE RADIO’ on the right and listen to the TNT-Podcast interview of UFO-Researcher Philip Kinsella

We often wonder whether or not we are alone in this universe.  Pondering of the question, “If life arose relatively quickly on Earth, could it then be common in the universe?”

It is indeed promising,  hearing scientists say that some bodies in the Solar System have the potential for an environment in which extraterrestrial life can exist, particularly those with possible subsurface oceans.  

But what are the basic requirements for life? Could life have arisen outside the solar system? Perhaps thermodynamically, photosynthesis based on stellar radiation may be the optimal source of energy for extraterrestrial life to rise.

Many scientists search for bio-signatures within the Solar System by studying planetary surfaces and examining meteorites.  Some even claim to have identified evidence that microbial life has existed on Mars.   Still, the exact origin of life remains an unfathomable mystery, however this does not mean that it will always remains so.

I am your host Maria Anna van Driel… and you’re listening to “The Next Truth; Where Science and Myth Meet”… and this week I am speaking with clairvoyant medium, UFO researcher and co-host of the radio show “Twin Souls”, Philip Kinsella…about, how likely is the evolution of intelligent life outside the borders of our cosmic freezer?


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Download the very first interactive Newsletter of The Next Truth and let your curiosity run free!

“Scientist”…I bet the first image that comes to mind is an intelligent man or woman wearing a white lab-coat and goggles while mixing odd looking and bubbling liquids in a laboratory. Or, someone writing, on a blackboard, the most complicated formulas which seem to come straight from an alien language. 😲

If you would ask someone what is “Science”, you most likely gain an answer what is similar to; “Science comes from the Latin word scientia, meaning “knowledge”. It is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. 🤨

Whooow…slow down a bit! Even though the above where and are correct, it does not quite seem to answer you question of what science is, what is it and, especially, how you can become an expert in that particular scientific field what has captured your deep interest.

Together with renowned scientists and citizen scientists, The Next Truth is tapping-in those corners of science which gives you the opportunity to explore those questions you do not easily find in the myriad books libraries have in their possession.


‘I have only been attacked by human spirits acting out as demons’, Dutch Demonologist says.

“Something here is inducing a tremendous fear into you.  You are living in a place that is giving you nightmares.  Then you wake up and whatever gave you this nightmare… is in bed with you!

It then takes you to where it’s from so that you can witness all the pain, suffering from all the people being killed in its cave. Within this horrifying moment you can do only one thing, trying to convince yourself you are experiencing a most vivid nightmare.“

Website “Spirit Communicators The Dark Side”
Follow Ellen Poestkoke via Facebook

What I just said listens to an eerie plot for a new horror movie but believe it or not, it is really happening and you are at the center of it. Or should I say…your peripheral vision is.

For decades, researchers have wondered how little light the human eye could actually detect and it turns out that one photon – the smallest unit of light — is enough to send a signal to the brain. The fact that a rod, or cone, can be stimulated by a single photon and pass a ‘message’ on to the brain does not mean that it will be…even if that photon happens to be in the visible frequency range and is travelling directly into the eye and onto the retina.

During these moments it seems to be a natural behavior for our brain to decide in filling-in the missing information in order for us to recognize and understand the shapes we see during the darkest moments of the night.

I am your host Maria Anna van Driel… and you’re listening to “The Next Truth; Where Science and Myth Meet”… and this week I am speaking with Dutch demonologist and dimensional researcher, Ellen Poestkoke…about which dark, unknown, demonic forces are tapping on our shoulders in the dead of night.


Living with High Sensitivity in a Harsh and Demanding World

With Dutch Holistic therapist and dimensional researcher, Mary Willemsen

Click the ‘PLAY-BUTTON’ in ‘THE NEXT TRUTH…ONLINE RADIO’ on the right and listen to the TNT-Podcast interview of Holistic therapist Mary Willemsen

‘Flabbergasted’… that is how many high sensitive people react when watching people squeezing themselves into the most craziest positions while, for instance, pressing their fingers tightly to their Temple area.  Being at a young age, you might think that these people are trying to reduce a headache or maybe their hand-eye coordination is not communicating that well in that moment.  Not to mention the eerie look in their eyes what seems to come straight from the series “The Addams family”.   Odd as it might sound but these people want you to read their minds because you are a highly sensitive person.  

Highly Sensitive Person, or HSP, is a term coined by psychologist Elaine Aron. According to Aron’s theory, HSPs are a subset of the population who are high in a personality trait known as ‘sensory-processing sensitivity’, or SPS.  Those with high levels of SPS display increased emotional sensitivity, stronger reactivity to both external and internal stimuli—pain, hunger, light, and noise—and have a complex inner life.

Indeed, being a highly sensitive person can come with many challenges. But to label ones sensitivity as a disorder….?

I am your host Maria Anna van Driel… and you’re listening to “The Next Truth; Where Science and Myth Meet”… and this week I am speaking with  Mary Willemsen who is a holistic therapist and dimensional researcher from the Netherlands … about what it means to be a high sensitive person and…how to survive today’s harsh world.  Do you truly have to grow steel elbows?


Stress, Dissociation and Depression; Do They Trigger the Brain to Create Vivid Paranormal Phenomenon?

California State University’s Prof of psychology, Matthew J. Sharps weighs in

Click the ‘PLAY-BUTTON’ in ‘THE NEXT TRUTH…ONLINE RADIO’ on the right and listen to the TNT-Podcast interview of Prof. Matthew J. Sharps

‘What is real and what is not?’ A ghostly apparition gliding the grounds of a cemetery, the, during a traditional ritual, summoned deities or the car in the garage?  Odd as it may sound on the latter, the truth is, we have no clue what this mathematical Matrix around us, truly contains.

As far as it is known, our brain has yet not learned how to place a concept into the frame of classical reality….how to convert the geometric design(s) of nature herself, into an understandable language.

So, like water is choosing the easiest way to descent, the brain seems automatically grabbing to what it is that is the most logical translation of what it ‘thinks’ it is perceiving and, in a most creative manner,  it starts filling in the blanks of whatever it might be that is dwelling in a dark forest or crossing the skies with a speed that breaks all laws of physics.

What is the purpose for us to fill in these blanks with Mother nature’s monsters, UFO’s or a conspiracy theory?  Is it a neuron-psychological defense mechanism?  Where lies the origin of this stimulus what is triggering the brain in believing its own creations and…what would happen if people would perceive classical reality for what it is by nature?

I am your host Maria Anna van Driel… and you’re listening to “The Next Truth; Where Science and Myth Meet” and this week I am speaking with Matthew Sharps who is a Professor of psychology at the California State University, Fresno… about how modern and traditional religion, and the rituals within, are merged with the paranormal believes.

“Processing Under Pressure” – 2nd Edition 2nd Edition via amazon


The Philosophy of Science As a Way of Life.

With Associate Prof. and Global Young Academy Co-Chair, Dr. Anindita Bhadra

Click the ‘PLAY-BUTTON’ in ‘THE NEXT TRUTH…ONLINE RADIO’ on the right and listen to the TNT-Podcast interview of Ass. Prof. Dr. Anindita Bhadra

Although it is often taken for granted, it is not at all a natural line of thought that a person has to fulfill a specific task in life based on being a woman or a man.

The term “gender role” was first used by John Money and colleagues in 1954, during the course of his study of intersex individuals, and  speaks of a social role encompassing a range of behaviors and attitudes that are generally considered acceptable, appropriate, or desirable for a person based on that person’s biological or perceived sex.

The importance of mainstreaming gender in all walks of life cannot be over-emphasized.   This is not just to make sure that women get a chance to give expression to their creativity and abilities but it is essential for the balanced development of any society.   In fact when considering women in science, it is even truer: research is a highly creative and individualistic activity and each person makes his or her unique contribution.

The process of scientific development, innovation and discovery can only benefit from diversity, gender being just one component. Also given the fact that women are 50% of humanity, their intellectual potential is something that we can ill afford to ignore.

I am your host Maria Anna van Driel… and you’re listening to “The Next Truth; Where Science and Myth Meet”… and this week I am speaking with Anindita Bhadra who is Global Young Academy Co-Chair and Associate Professor at the Indian Institute of Science Education & Research.… about the position of the female scientist in India and the importance of STEM subjects.  


The Next Truth Magazine is Encouraging Young People to Explore the Wonderland of Science

The Next Truth magazines & podcasts are providing Renowned Scientists, TV and Radio celebrities, Best-selling Authors, Dimensional Researchers and dedicated Citizen Scientists to share their incredible research with other scientists and our next generation doctors, engineers, teachers, psychologists, chemists, physicists, among others, to have the change to stand up and unlock their enthusiasm and thus their brilliant minds.

Both The Next Truth and her world-renowned contributors, are focusing on reaching out to the next generation scientists globally, reducing this gap between Young People and Scientists, and making Contemporary Science more accessible.


The Science and Technology of Time Travel May be Less Far-Fetched as it Sounds

With Professor Emeritus and Time Travel expert, Ronald Lawrence Mallett

Click the ‘PLAY-BUTTON’ in ‘THE NEXT TRUTH…ONLINE RADIO’ on the right and listen to the TNT-Podcast interview of Prof. Emeritus Ronald L. Mallett in where he speaks about Einstein’s theories, the differences between Theoretical Physics & Experimental physics and STEM. (part 1)

In a universe so vast, is there any hope of us traveling fast enough so that we could visit the far-off realms of space? Will we ever be able to plant a flag in the most distant quadrants of the cosmos? At this point in time we may be as far from reaching other stars as Leonardo da Vinci was from realizing an airplane but it has not stopped scientists from imagining the theoretical possibilities of interstellar travel.

Even time travel is somewhat unique in science fiction, it has long been the Holy Grail for modern science. Some say we will never be able to travel in time, while others believe we are close to achieving the impossible. But what if time travel already exists? According to general relativity – this might actually work.

But when it comes to our understanding of the Universe, general relativity may not be the final word.   Theoretical physicist and Professor Emeritus Ronald Lawrence Mallett says there is another way what makes traveling into the past a real option.

Listen to the full TNT-Podcast of Prof Mallett via You Tube

Did we already tackle the energy barrier, jumped through time and created new universe branches out into the future?

I am your host Maria Anna van Driel and you are listening to “The Next Truth; Where Science and Myth Meet”. This week I am speaking with Theoretical physicist and expert on Albert Einstein’s theories, Professor Emeritus Ronald Lawrence Mallett and discuss with him why and how Einstein developed his theories and Professor Mallett’s personal interests for theoretical physics But also the true science of time travel, why fundings are needed and the importance of STEM subjects.
