Category: Demonology

Our Macabre Fascination With the Human Predator

Throughout history, humans have committed horrific crimes, which seem to reflect a primordial and animalistic behavior in human survival. But what exactly makes someone a serial killer? Are they the product of bad genes, environmental factors, or something even worse?

What is it that triggers someone to follow a path of violence and committing horrible crimes? Is it possible to unravel the mind of a serial killer and unlinking the many narrow alleys of their entangled labyrinth?

Honestly, I have no concrete answer for what drives these ‘celebrity monsters’ as Prof. Scott Bonn refers to them in his article “What Drives Our Curious Fascination With Serial Killers?” on his blog of Psychology Today.

Reading his article, among others, I tried to find a clear/logic explanation for my personal fascination with these human predators. I have to admit that it was not easy to do so due to the fact that this ‘little voice’ in my head kept saying, “It is wrong to feel this fascination for these ‘actors’ playing one of the most horrifying roles!” I cannot say otherwise then Prof. Bonn being absolutely right about the fact that many of us are experiencing some form of guilt in the moment of expressing our fascination for these man and woman who are, apparently, feel a ‘powerful rush’ while running around in a violent and (un) controllable manner.

However, as I wrote Prof. Bonn in a Face Book comment, “I guess my personal interest would lie in having a brief opportunity of unraveling their way of thinking as well as trying to grasp the world in which these people apparently live. Does this breaking down of the glass walls in the labyrinth of their (insane) minds provide me a certain pleasure? Hum…I like solving complex puzzles and so, I think one can call it so. In this I would say that my fascination for these people, not their acts, lies in ‘cracking’ their ‘personal code’ what let me understand their motive.”

While trying to analyze my personal interest for these ‘humanoid predators’, this question of what it is that makes these killers so appealing to us, lay in front of me like an open and abandoned piece of dry desert. And, can we say, with some caution, that deep down inside of all of us a little serial killer…or two…is hiding? Perhaps we can divide ‘us’ into two main groups… group A are the people who are asking the question of “Why?” Their fascination lies in unraveling the mind of a (serial) killer from a psychological point of view. And group B is asking the question of “How?” what indeed sounds like a macabre fascination for these humanoid predators. Although they may look nothing like Jason Voorhees or Freddy Krueger, but I think there is a possibility a (serial) killer could spawn from group B, seeking the thrill behind the question of ‘How?’

The truth is that no one really knows, and despite the efforts of modern criminology to decode the brain of a typical serial killer, a concrete explanation has not reached yet. However, the one thing that is known is that many serial killers have suffered early childhood trauma, such as sexual or physical abuse.

The articles in this issue of The Next Truth could provide a clearer answer to some of these quest-ions but I have to put out a WARNING in advance. Some of the articles contain disturbing content and shocking photographs!

October 2019 Issue – Out Now!

The Next Truth is advising you to fasten your seatbelts as you are about to take several astonishing journeys through space and time with well known scientists from all over the world who are challenging you to blaze away the curtains of what is known about this fear containing feast of Halloween, creepy gothic buildings, the taboo of speaking about dead and the mysterious African Nomoli figurines. So lock the doors, dim the lights and do not be scared as this month’s contributor’s dig up some of the real stories behind Halloween.

In the October issue of The Next truth we take an astonishing journey to an ancient time with expert Bennett J. Vonderheide who shines a bright light on the mysterious African Nomoli figurines, Germany’s time researcher Dr. Marc Wittmann challenges you to blaze away the curtains holding this taboo of speaking about dead, Dr. Neil Dagnall and Dr. Kennett Drinkwater present with you surprising but eye-opening scientific research results about what poltergeist really are, Prof. Linda Saab and Prof. Arash Javanbakht are dismantling the blood curdling science of why we love to be scared and Prof. Bill Murray is finally revealing who this hooded figure is in his chilling science-fiction story.

Also in this issue: Author Benjamin Radford is targeting the possibility of the paranormal, Ass. Prof. Tok Thompson is debating the question if believing in ghosts can make you a better person, Dr. Peter Lindfield entrance the realm of Britain’s enviable Gothic architecture what seems to have dark reputation, Prof. Ashby Kinch explores the cultural and historical traditions of a medieval era in where the dead gained a more active role in our daily lives, Dr. Evelien Bracke is fades the boundary between our world and the spirit world by teaching us about the spellbinding magic practiced by the ancient Romans and Greeks to ward off or appease evil spirits roaming the earth around All Hallow’s Eve and Dr. Maria Avxentevskaya let us discover a much earlier era in where the desire of traveling into space did had a grip on people’s minds as well as the inventions of shiny metal shapes gliding in the vastness of the universe were not to be considered an opaque option.


Does Diabolus (or Satan) Really Exist?!

“My name is legion, for we are many!”

By Maria Anna van Driel,

Johann Georg Faust, William Shakespeare, Leonardo Davinci, Dante Alighieri what is their connection? Does it lay in their work which is speaking of an enchanter feeling rising a connection between different deities which they named Diabolus or Mephistopheles? Or is the musical speech they heard while a fine-tuned insanity was slowly being applied to their worlds, in a spiritual duality? A world in where an addiction of scattered beauty rose from a hallucinating imprisonment of the soul whereas thoughts are being whipped out … or at least, neutralized as they are blazed away in an unknown and darkened labyrinth. Where their minds trapped inside a “realm” of those who have rejected spiritual values by means of violence or malice against superficial human sanity which made them a wanderer? An einzelgänger who gained the powers of walking a mystical path of creation and transformation of the brilliancy their vivid imagination provided them?

Totally obsessed, as we are these days, with being friendly to the fire lying between the two trees of life, it seems we are in the cross-hairs of this invisible war in separating us from the love of Jesus. His love is there for those with ears. But as leaves blushing at the sight of autumn, a malicious dream is showing you a way out of your remote mazes in life.

“Thou winged seeds, where they lie cold and low, each like a corpse within its grave, until thine azure sister of the spring shall blow”

Diabolus, Satan, Satanael, Lucifer or, as some believe, Mithras a solar deity and bore the title of Sol Invictus, “Invincible Sun”; is everything you know about the opponent of God really wrong?! Are Demons nothing more than the unsolved mysteries of the mind and reveal themselves in the existence of an unbearable puzzle provided by the Basaltic? Solving this puzzle, in this you will succeed or fail … but whatever the outcome, the responsibility of your choice is yours only to bear.

Who is the devil? Is this creature a noble knight, understanding the balanced melodies in the speech and the teachings of poetry causing you to ride with him? I this creature a passionate knight, as he sharing with you the beauty of infinity what is mirroring his emporium?

As this creature is showing you his fragile heart, you will be swallowed by his sprightly and tender dance. In a trance you will be swept of your feet as you reveal to him your deepest secrets. You wait and wait for him to return as you slowly understand; he has caught you in the blinding beauty of his fiery existence.

According to the bible, the devil was once beautiful and was full of beauty and wisdom as his name was Lucifer, meaning “Day Star.” As God dressed him in the finest jewels and placed him on the Holy Mountain, the devil decided he wanted to be above his creator. God disagreed and kicked him out of heaven to Earth and it has been a battle ever since.

When the peace of our world was threatened by this great demon, humanity had no hope of prevailing against such a potent force of violence and despair. He sought to destroy this world by inducing drought, thirst and starvation. Being in our darkest hours, the great hero Mithras sprang forth from the stone, or the navel, of the world and took up the orb of the Cosmos in his protective embrace. From his bow, he let fly an arrow that struck the earth and from this wound came a renewing spring, which rejuvenated the Earth. Still the threat of destruction persisted and with the assistance of the moon-mother, Selene, the vital fluids of life were scattered in a gigantic bull on earth.

Mithras burned away the withered trees and forced the great bull (the beast) out in the open. He captured the bull and dragged it underground into the bowels of the Earth where he wrestled it and plunged his dagger into its chest. Trees sprang from the wound, bees were born from its blood and all of the earth was rejuvenated by this great sacrifice.

In the beginning God created time (the beginning), space (the heavens), and matter (Earth) and said; “Let there be light.”

Looking at the Universe today we see that it is expanding and cooling, meaning that all the matter in it was closer together  (as the radiation in it was hotter) in the past. And if we had the possibility to go back to a sufficiently early time, we will find that the density was high enough as the temperature was hot enough that it would be an impossible task forming neutral atoms without them immediately being blasted apart! Then, as the Universe cooled down through a phase of expanding … neutral atoms were formed for the first time.

“He had two sons, an older one named ‘Satanael’ and a younger one named ‘Christ.’ Satanael had superior rank to Christ in Heaven, and sat at God’s right hand until he became dissatisfaction with his subservient position, lusted after power, angered God, and was cast out of heaven.”

Can we see this behavior in a similar manner an electron-positron pair can be created by that strange transformation? A transformation whereby a tiny spark of light started to glow as it gained a form of static electricity what made it enter a state in where it had the ability to copy itself in a mirrored manner which, when looking at the electron, should be the positron.

Hum, perhaps we can explain the origin of this malevolent creature. An ancient creature we call Satan, seeking to seduce humans into falsehood and sin (sine) by providing the beauty of expressing the melodies of the heart in words after the smoke of desire has cleared the skies of the imagination. A vivid dream in where a sweet poison has spawn from a future illusion whereas it is creating an enchant feeling of false love where you can be free from danger or threat.

According to theoretical physicist John Archibald Wheeler (July 9, 1911 – April 13, 2008), the mirrored version of the electron could be hiding itself, in what we know today from particle physics, the proton. But if he was really serious about his own comment is still unknown.

Still, even if Theoretical physicist J. Wheeler was joking concerning the behavior of the electron’s anti-particle, a teaching from the bible did rose into my mind; “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” So, behaving as a particle, the electron prevents the consciousness from realizing that it is part of a larger whole where it is zipping in all directions through this empty pitch black place whereas it is bouncing off on magnetic fields. And even being ‘one’ electron, it has now the behavior of looking like being at million places at once due the fact, we are looking at its behavior in a 2D manner while it is moving in a 3 or 4D space. But when the electron behaves as a wave, consciousness becomes aware of its existence outside the human mind, which makes OBE (Out of Body Experience) and NDE (Near Death Experience) possible.

So, if the electron represents ‘matter’ and its complementary counterpart, the positron, represents ‘antimatter’, can we speak of a, in a scientific but cryptic description by the bible, of both a galactic duality and a spiritual one?

Can we truly apply this biblical story to such a particle as the electron-positron pair? Or do we have to read ‘his’ existence in the astrological and mythological versions of how this ancient creature was born?


Does the modern human still possess primordial abilities?

By Maria Anna van Driel,

Being close in finishing the September issue of The Next Truth, I am lucky…really lucky…that I may say that the October issue is halfway in its articles… all these articles do give you a free passage to the science of several mysterious realms which might be the cause of those unexplained, creepy chills we experience every now and then.

However, working on the October issue I came in contact with the interesting work of Prof. Neil Dragnall and Prof. Kenneth Drinkwater (Manchester Metropolitan University) and Associate Prof. Tok Thompson (University of Southern California) among others.

Due reading their theories and research findings I was thinking of the following…it is being said that when a ghost, spirit or demonic force is in the near, your hair is standing up straight due the static electrical charge it is moving in and/or with. But what if there is another reason for our hair to act this crazy? What if there is a more Earthly explanation and lies more in the science of Anthropology and psychology? Say, when a dog or cat sees a rival it will blow itself up, their hair is standing up in order to look bigger and more dangerous.

Now whether we like it or not, once upon a time we where Neanderthals and completely covered with hair, or fur, to protect us against the weather… among others. Really sh*tt* when you have a bad hair-day and the brush /comb is not yet been invented 🤪

No seriously, what if the modern human does still possess this primordial ability of blowing ourselves up, so to speak, as soon as we are in a stress or dangerous situation? What if this is just a natural response of the body we forgot over time?

Indeed, an idea as such could be for some a ridiculous one but imagine you walking home from work and you are passing a dark allay. You will feel a little bit stressy due the fact of you not knowing what is hiding in the dark corners of this ally. This feeling of fear, could it be primordial…a left over from ancient times in order to sense if there is a predator or not and then to flee or fight? I guess the Neanderthal version of us would make itself bigger by blowing up its hair (fur) hoping to scare away any creepy and hungry predator.

I think it might be possible that our body is still reacting as so but that we have forgot about a function as such due e.g. the many evolutionary phases we have gone through… we have forgotten that we still can and do. Of course this doesn’t rules out all paranormal phenomena.


A Knock at the (toilet) Door

By Maria Anna van Driel,

Whether you believe in ghosts or not, it is tough not to get freaked out when you are alone and hear something bump in the night or even hear a voice…maybe calling your name. My latest experience from the realms of the beyond will freak you out so it is best to read it with someone. Preferably a friend and not a stranger you have decided to creep up with behind your computer screen.

My house was built in 1850. It is a single family home, wood frame setting on a concrete block foundation. I have been living here for about 8 years. Of all the weird things that I have seen and heard in this house this and the one of the singing girl, is one event what me got highly exited or better said…a little bit spooked. It was a normal Thursdays evening. My husband, who works as an ambulance driver, was on his nightshift and the children where visiting their friends… yes, mommy-time!

It had to be around 10 O’clock in the evening when I finished working on my latest article. Still, even I was the only person in the house, every now and then I had that creepy feeling that something was about to happen. Because it was my time off I did not really want to pay that much attention to this feeling. But as many of you know, the unseen forces roaming the realms of the unknown do not look at whether someone is working nor has a moment of free time. However, I closed most of the internet taps on my laptop which I was using for writing my article and went on the hunt for… popcorn!

While I was searching for a few episodes of Ghost Adventures on YouTube, the corn kernels where making that familiar popping sound and the smell of fresh micro-waved popcorn was slowly filling the kitchen and drifting into the living room. PING! Yes, my sweet addiction is ready… I quickly sprinkled some extra sugar on this delicacy before it cooled and then … feet up and getting spooked during an episode of Ghost Adventures. Oh, how unhealthy are these moments of spare time 🙂

Like I said, it was a normal Thursday evening. Nothing out of the ordinary happened that day still this funny feeling of almost a ‘be aware’ feeling, slowly got stronger what made me, strangely enough, look frequently, and only, in the direction of my sons bed room which is across a small hallway at the front door.
Several weeks ago the light bulb of the ceiling lamp burned out. I yet have not seen the spirit to climb up to a ladder and put in a new light bulb and so, there is no light in this, now creepy looking, little hall way. Only the light from the lamp on my desk was making the closet and my son’s white painted bed room door visible but in a dimmed manner.

Due this nagging feeling I got a little bit restless and so, while Ghost Adventures was still playing in the background, I started to surf the internet. After proximus 30 minutes I came across the website of Dr. D. Radin who is doing interesting research of how e.g. PSI works and what these talents can tell us about the nature of reality. Via the form on his website people have the opportunity to ask him questions and so, I did. Surprisingly Dr. Radin emailed me back within 20 minutes with an answer to my question. Our email traffic kept going for about one and a half hour and I forgot all about the strange feeling I had. But it was far from being over…the, to the naked eye, invisible realms still had a few things in mind for me.

I had not noticed it but while I was in conversation with Dr. Radin my two dogs had lain down in this small hallway. I should at this point mention that this hallway contains a total of five doors and two small built-in rooms…one for the washing machine and one for the toilet. Their K9 bodies and heads flat against the ground, their eyes wide open and staring at me as if they where waiting for the moment to jump up and bark any intruder out the house. It give me a charged shill to see them laying in the dark and being such an alert state. I wonder if me getting charged that way has caused it to manifest itself this strong shortly after. However, hoping that my dogs would warn me for any unseen danger approaching, I clicked on a new You Tube episode from Ghost Adventures… I was ready again to absorb their creepy experiences while eating my popcorn. But it was not the investigation Zak and his team where conducting that was going to make me jump out of my chair.

It was about 00:10 as I felt a dens energy field building up in this small hallway. Right in that moment one of my dogs, the female, stood up and lay down on the sofa in the living room staring in the direction of the hallway. My other dog, which is a strong 45 kilo male, did not move and kept staring at me. I took a quick look at my female dog; she was okay but was licking my hand intensively. I gave her a pat on her head and walked over to my dog that was still lying in the hall. The air did felt dens and slightly electric but I thought that I was feeling my dogs’ alertness and did not thought of this being something or…someone else.

With the comforting knowledge of my dogs being alright, I sat back in my chair and rewind the still running Ghost Adventures episode. 00:15, I heard my dog in the hallway making a soft sighing sound and instinctively I turned my vision to my right into the direction of where my dog was. It took me a couple of seconds to realize that I could not see my son’s bedroom door anymore. Something was blocking the view. I took a second look and saw that the toilet door was wide open! This door has being closed all the evening. Now the creepy part was, I have not heard any sound that could have indicated that a door was being opened and still…this toilet door stood wide open! Why only this door when there are four more? Well, to that question I gained a surprising answer some 45 minutes later.

With astonishment I was gazing at this wide open door, “WHAT?!…HOW?…WHY?”
I walked into the small dim hallway, closed the toilet door and felt the hairs on my arms standing straight up…my whole body started to get highly charged and felt extremely heavy, as if I was pulled to the ground by an enormous strong magnetic force. As I walked out of the hallway with the intention of calling my husband and report the event happening in that moment, I felt an energy field building up its strength and growing rapidly in size. It gave me the chills for sure! I called my dog with me, picked up the phone and dialed the mobile number of my husband. When he picked up his only words where, “I will call you back…we are standing with a patient who is dead!” Then he disconnected the phone connection.

Meanwhile this energy field was growing in strength. It felt as a charged blob not knowing where it was or what happened to him. I say ‘him’ because I could read this energy as a male person. Then the phone rang, it was my husband. Logically he wanted to explain what he witnessed right away but before he could describe what he has seen I had to interrupt him because I wanted to know if what he had just experienced had a direct connection with what had happened in my home. So, I described the person who was standing in this charged blob of energy which was now slowly fading away…becoming less charged.

“A man slightly bigger than the average length…Caucasian… dark blond hair…cardiac arrest” A couple of second of silence on the other side of the phone connection and then my husband said, “Um…100% correct!”
“Well, he is here but is slowly fading. This man was ripped out of life in an instant and now he does not understand where he is and what he has become.”

Over the phone my husband explained that this man had a cardiac arrest while, together with his wife, cycling home from a party they just where. His wife was in the front and heard a strange noise behind her. As she looked behind her she saw her husband lying against one of the trees of the forest they where cycling through. While she was calling for medical help, he was in the process of crossing over….standing before the gates of the hereafter and stepping into an infinite realm.

At one point my husband told me, we where still talking on the phone, that due this cardiac arrest the man had wet himself. And when I heard his words crawling through the telephone receiver, I suddenly understood why the toilet door stood wide open instead of one of the other doors in the hallway. This man made himself known by acting out on the last thing his brain had recorded, him wetting himself and not being able to do something about it.

Looking back on this remarkable event, one can think that a poltergeist was starting to be active. But instead of having a malicious spirit in the house, it turns out to be someone who was lost for a moment due the fact he was unaware of already being in the process of crossing over. This man just needed some time to understand what had happened and adjust to his new form of existence.

Two days later…my husband and I where sitting in the living room, drinking a cup of coffee while watching a movie on Netflix. Without any announcement in sound or charged fields, a small decorative tomahawk axe, that is hanging on bedroom closet, jumped off its hook and hit the wooden floor of the bedroom with a loud bang. As I quickly turned to where this loud sound was coming from, I could just see how the two decorative knives, hanging next to the tomahawk ax, moved in an unnatural way.

If this event is directly connected to the man who died from a cardiac arrest or someone else is making itself known I do not know. But that curious events do take place in my house, that is for sure!


A one-time chance! The March issue of PUG… download the PDF version FOR FREE!

“Something is out there and it is inducing a tremendous fear into you. You are living in a place that is giving you nightmares. Then you wake up and whatever gave you this nightmare… is in room with you! It then takes you to where it is from so that you can witness all the pain, suffering from all the people being dragged in its cave.” What I just said listens to an eerie plot for a new horror movie but believe it or not, it is really happening and Paranormal Underground Magazine takes you at the center of it!

I think I have been 12 – 13 years old as I was collecting writing pads, pens, pencils, erasers… just anything I could get my hands on in order to start writing. After a while I collected that much material, I could start supplying a small bookstore 🙂  Billions of stories in my mind and no experience in how to present it on paper… it became a struggle in finding the right words for expressing the stage of the stories. Wasting paper for years and driving my professors crazy with that much papers, possessing the most diverse topics, you could start a nice bonfire with during Easter.

November 2015; Cheryl Knight-Wilson, editor from Paranormal Underground Magazine, published one of mine articles “UFO Abductions; A Real Extraterrestrial Experience or a Secret Military Operation?” A childhood dream came true! Over the years Cheryl taught me the intricacies of editing, the use of headlines, creating magazine covers…which even lead in publishing my own magazine The Next Truth.

And now I have the privilege to present with you Paranormal Underground Magazine by giving you this one-time chance! 64 pages of the latest news from the paranormal world, tackling the topics that most interest paranormal enthusiasts, researchers, and investigators. Download the PDF version of the March issue of Paranormal Underground magazine NOW and FOR FREE! 

PDF version: Paranormal Underground March 2019

Previous issues via:

Home page Paranormal Underground Magazine:


Published and Unpublished Articles from “The Next Truth” Bundled in ONE Book! (amazon)

Walking up to the globe of the CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) in July 2017, set a crazy quest for me in any understanding within the origin of evolution and with that the Universe … with tense curiosity… I went back and the story began…

Once upon a time … a little spot, smaller than the dot at the end of a sentence, was hovering through the universe.
This charged particle could have sparked the production of every other particle it encountered, not to mention every galaxy, solar system, planet, and … our species.
That tiny spot exploded in a place being pitch black.
It exploded into an almost inaudible illuminating flash of everything!
In these divine moments, life was not bigger than an electrical spark of light … a weak light having the prospect of becoming the most discussed and fought for, part of life.
Rapidly it started to find its way to mature in this dark emptiness which would soon be filled with a chaotic order of strange particles, each struggling for the right to exist.
This little electrical spark accelerated with the speed of Lambda* nu better known as ‘the speed of light’.
It accelerated faster and faster through wormholes, black hole, universes, cosmoses … everything exploded!
And sooner or later it is coming right back where we are struggling to explain the ‘Theory of Everything’ and is going to implode on itself where it will vanish for ever … what a weird story this is.


Nick & Andy; Paranormal Investigators from the UK researching with a 6th sense of humour

Some weeks ago I had the privilege to interview Nick and Andy, two paranormal Investigators from the UK.
Many thanks for your time guys in answers my questions in e.g. personal experiences of which I think Andy’s story is pretty scary although I would rather not have to experience similar moments Nick had in that particular haunted apartment.

(Stay tuned for the publishing date)

Please follow the link below to find out more about PRI UK;


EVP’s: What in the …bleep… are we really recording?!

In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it just transforms from one form to another like chemical energy can be converted to kinetic energy and can act like an explosion of that of a stick of dynamite.
This kind of energy is not only a good candidate for creating an EVP but also to lift an arm or to turn the head of a creepy looking doll.
The question in this matter is, WHEN is it that we are creating this energy and … WHEN NOT?!

Understanding how some ‘Earthly’ crystals can act as crazy entities and create many creepy effects in e.g. EVP’s when triggered by light, vibrations, electricity, magnetism and temperature differences, is one thing but … may I suggest an interesting as well as the one of the creepiest theories of all?
What if the recordings you have captured during an investigation was not created by a crystal created by the Earths pressure?
What if this (or these) crystal(s) came from outer-space due a process known in Astrobiology as ‘Panspermia’?
(A theory of life on the Earth being originated from microorganisms and/or chemical precursors of life present in outer space)

Thus if we are the ones responsible for triggering the crystals in the most diverse objects as well as around some ancient places like for instance ‘Stonehenge’ or ‘The Pyramids of Giza’, we maybe have to change the question of ‘WHEN’ is it that we are creating this energy and ‘WHEN NOT?’ into ‘What in the … bleep … are we really recording?! 



Traveling through time and space with the speed of Lambda*nu.

Paranormal Underground” magazine is traveling through time and space again by making the May issue available.


Boundaries are being broken when a UFO contact at Pascagoula, 21 creepy mythical creatures from around the world, tarot history and symbolism, and six haunted ships are being spotlighted with the speed of Lambda*nu.
