Month: July 2018

The Purpose of Black Holes

Now that we know that this non-reflecting place in space, where gravity pulls so much that even light cannot get out, is called a black hole.
And that it is a common misconception that black holes vacuum up material… 


Nick & Andy; Paranormal Investigators from the UK researching with a 6th sense of humour

Some weeks ago I had the privilege to interview Nick and Andy, two paranormal Investigators from the UK.
Many thanks for your time guys in answers my questions in e.g. personal experiences of which I think Andy’s story is pretty scary although I would rather not have to experience similar moments Nick had in that particular haunted apartment.

(Stay tuned for the publishing date)

Please follow the link below to find out more about PRI UK;


Is the sterile Neutrino not that empty as science thinks and … did Life on Earth Started from Outer-Space?

An interview with Stefan Schwager from the observatory Riesa, Germany (part 2)


People…you are amazing! The Next Truth is thanking you all!

Holy (bleep)! … I just scrolled through the statics of the website of ‘The Next Truth’  and saw the statics;

March: 64.000 visitors
April: 45.000 visitors
May: 55.000 visitors
June: 53.000 visitors

People, this is really amazing! … Thank you all for you interest, reactions and sharing. 😀

Keep mailing all your comments and suggestions because 10 more articles and several interviews are already laying on the editors desk which will let you peek into e.g. Ancient Egyptian Technologies, Alien life-forms on our planet, 3D Quantum Holographic projections and a mind dazzling idea concerning phoning the past.
So stay tuned and let your mind wrap itself around these galactic puzzles and paradoxes.


PART 1: Interview with Stefan Schwager from the observatory Riesa, Germany

Panspermia; Did Life on Earth Started from Outer-Space?


Interview with Stefan Schwager: Panspermia; Did Life on Earth Started from Outer-Space?

