Month: December 2019

Have a merry Christmas and an amazing 2020

2019 has been an amazing year! Yes, it was an emotional rollercoaster but it challenged my thinking and most of all, 2019 gave me the opportunity to learn from all who where so generous to contribute their incredible work to The Next Truth.

Thank you for your support, comments, guidance and turning The Next Truth into an international magazine, it means the world to me. It blows my mind that it is viewed in so many different countries.

2020 is going to be even bigger and better as The Next Truth is launching a second magazine, “The Next Truth; Young People Science” of which the very first issue is ready to be published.

Enjoy the Christmas celebrations and create beautiful memories with those around you.

The impact you have on other people’s lives

You know what fires me up and keeps me going? People who dare to look into the world and say; “What can I contribute? What can I give? I guarantee you, you will hear a voice that is saying; ‘It is just no uses. It is out of mine control’. There will be a voice telling you that: ‘You will be wasting your time, your energy and your efforts’. I advice you, do not listen to it. Rather listen to this whispering voice that says: ‘I CAN do something…and I am going to do it.”

I strongly believe that each one of us was born with a special skill. That each one of us was born to contribute something to life and that if we do not do share our skills…this knowledge will be lost forever. Be the one that want to contribute…to youth, the homeless or your neighbor.

If you get up in the morning and decide that, “I’m the open for the universe”, life can work through you as a channel and as an instrument for change. How will you serve the world? What do they need that your talent can provide? That is all you have to figure out. And I can tell you from experience, the effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.

You are ready and able to do beautiful things in this world!

After you walk through those doors today, you will only have two choices: love or fear. I would say, do not ever let fear turn you against your playful heart. Begin to see yourself as an opening for the universe, to move through, to work through and to make a difference in life.

It is easy to be positive when everything is working out but it is much harder…much much harder when you are facing challenges in your life. But that’s when we need it the most… to believe in what has yet to come.

Everything worth the prize is worth the fight. Everything worth the prize will require a real fight to achieve that prize. If you want the prize you cannot quit halftime, you cannot quit midseason. You must play the whole game preseason…through the cold, the darkness, through the challenges and the opponents. You will be knocked down of course but you must get up keep fighting no matter what your job throws at you. Dig deep and discover your true strength!

See yourself being used by life, to improve quality of life, to expand and to grow.

If you wait until you can do everything for everybody, instead of something for somebody, you will end up not doing nothing for nobody.

Be the change…the inspiration…you want to see!


In the spirit of the holiday season

The team of The Next Truth wishes you all a peaceful first advent. Have a marvelous time with your beloved ones.


The December issue… Out Now!

The December issue of The Next Truth is available online! 😊

Thank you all for the efforts made and contributing your amazing work for the December issue. I hope you enjoy this month’s issue.

In the December issue of The Next Truth time travel specialist Prof. Ronald L. Mallett weighs in on the stunning science and technologies of time travel, Prof. Lihong Wang elucidate how the world’s fastest camera can capture the speed of light, Dr. Andreea Font explains her eye-opening research what has the prospect of scaffolding a hidden cosmic web MPI for Radio Astronomy let us peer at the birth of the Universe and the author Tony Damian reveals his personal experience about a forbidden romance during medieval times.

Also in this issue: Prof. Harry Hoster is discussing the challenging opportunities of how chemicals can reduce climate change, we spotlight PRI-UK’s paranormal researcher Ellie Maybanks, dimensional researchers Nick and Andy are applying AI to the foggy realms of the unknown, Michelle Feder is describing the mind-blowing history of Alchemy, DESY aims its UV-satellite to Black Holes and DARPA gives us a deeper insight into the evolution of computers.
