The Next Truth; is thinking about going international.

Nicolas Poussin painted Dante Alighieri’s idea of it in ‘The shepherds of Arcadia’ while Hendrik Lorentz calculated its position between 1892 and 1904 … Albert Einstein seriously discussed the existence of it and the LHC is conducting projects looking for an entrance.

The Next Truth goes beyond this mysterious force, what already existed before the birth of the Nine Realms, by … making contact with malevolent beings being almost lifelike in their existence what can cause it to bond in a parasitic fashion to a living host.

Faith, religion and natural science … after more than two-thousand years, it has still an influence on our daily activities, thoughts and behavior.

Unfortunately, the level of negativity is increasing strongly and it has gone mainstream!

In this we have to look at examples of for instance ‘the Ice-Bucket challenge, the Fire-Fire challenge and the Charlie-Charlie challenge which have direct tides to the book of revelation in which is being discussed the enormous amount of unclear spirits resembling frogs coming out of the mouth of the falls prophets.

This level of negative spiritual warfare is more … much more than ancient rituals, spells from the books of RA or medieval demon provoking known from a period called the Tep-Zepi time; it is real and you do not even have to be a member of a malevolent occult group or a strong believer to perform these magical forms of religion.

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One response to “ The Next Truth; is thinking about going international. ”

  1. soh says:

    Hi Maria

    Several members of my family practice jinn magic (they say they control jinn) and a few magicians have said I have a spirit attached to me but I think they say this to everyone 🙂 How do I find out if this is true? I have been doing a Ouija Board (on my own, I live alone) and asking if any spirits want to speak to me but there has never been any response. I downloaded a ghost hunting app but it keeps saying things like Fear Me, Diablo, Hell, Satan, Death and similar random things. I do not sense any presence but I was looking for fairies or orbs or nature spirits near my house but I only saw a shadowy thing flying from tree to tree which was like a bird or similar. My life has been filled with the most bizarre and unexplainable phenomena and I have experienced psychic abilities like ESP, psychokinesis, and telepathy and I have consciously teleported myself but I have an open mind but really don;t know if these things are in the mind or if they have their own reality.

    I totally agree that human contact with extra-dimensional beings or energies seems to be exploding recently.

    Best wishes!

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