Month: March 2022

Has ADHD a Gray Area?

Could it be that the Neanderthal once had the capability to tap into the minds of their game? An ability that was a logical event in the evolution of the human brain in order to survive rough environments.

Perhaps we are still having this behaviour or ‘viewing’ ability, but is today seen as e.g. ADHD or, symptoms which might indicate someone is dealing with ADHD. An ability what might be considered as the ‘original language’ of the human species. But, by means of a modern unified/global behaviour and speech system, medication is seen, by many, as the best advise. On the latter, personally, I am not convinced.

* Please keep in mind that this is just a personal theory as well as this topic has a wide ground to cover. Meaning, in this video I walk very quickly through the matter leaving out a huge amount of details which are for another video.

Coming soon! New TNT Podcasts

After a brief period of not broadcasting any Podcasts, The Next Truth is starting to build up a library again. Podcasts which are discussing the most amazing stories, mind dazzling theories and, out-of-the-box questions.

Do you have a story and/or theory that should reach the general public and/or young people? Drop me a message via email, FB or LinkedIn and see if your topic is fitting the philosophy of The Next Truth.

