Month: August 2019

Dark Matter Has a Plausible Signal?

By Maria Anna van Driel,

For almost 97 years scientists are trying to unravel the mystery of Dark Matter and its partner in crime, Dark energy since 1998. None has a clue so far of how to answer the questions; what is it and how and why are we interacting with these invisible behaviors within our hot cosmic freezer.

Everywhere we look we see transitions being made. Water freezes, melts, or boils; chemical bonds break and form to make new substances out of different arrangements of atoms. Our universe went through major transitions in early times. New particles were created and destroyed continually until things cooled enough to let them survive. Those particles include ones we know about, such as the Higgs boson or the top quark. Meaning that eventually the density becomes so low that interactions become infrequent, and the particles freeze out. But this early universe could also include dark matter, invisible particles which we presently know only because of their gravitational effects. In cosmic terms, dark matter particles could be a “thermal relic,” forged in the hot early universe and then left behind during the transitions to more moderate later eras.

There is absolutely no doubt about it that you have heard of General relativity which is a theory of gravitation that was developed by Albert Einstein between 1907 and 1915. But have you ever heard of ‘the father of dark matter’ Swiss astronomer and physicist Fritz Zwicky? During his life (1898-1974) Zwicky made valuable contributions to the physics of the solid state, gaseous ionization, and thermodynamics but soon turned to the study of supernovas, novas, and cosmic rays. And even Zwicky had discovered the existence of dark matter in 1933, he was banned from using the Palma telescope at the age of 70 due his outspoken opinion what was seen as a bad temper. Scientists are trying to put this galactic Sudoku puzzle of dark matter and dark energy together ever since.

So, fasten your seatbelts, keep your finger on the button of your high-speed camera and get ready to gaze into the dark heart of our galaxy. You are about to explore the central question of a puzzling phenomenon no one knows the answer to. You are about to take a tour through the universe which gets weirder, stranger, more shocking along the road and, maybe even spookier than you expected.  

If you look at the universe of only 5% matter and 70% of dark energy then what the h*ll is this 25% of the universe we call dark matter? There has to be ‘something’ what creates a fine-tuned balance between the energy of motion (kinetic energy) and gravitational attraction (potential energy) for the universe not to collapse or explode in an instant. Imagine a lamp in the living room hanging from the ceiling. If you look closely but from the right distance, you can, with the naked eye and when UV-light is hitting the lamp with the right angle, see the effect of the electrons being knocked out of their orbits by the density of the lamp. This effect, what can be observed as ‘rising heat’ is what makes us see the outlines of the lamp…right? Let’s call this rising heat dark energy and what lies just behind the visible out-lines of the lamp, dark matter. 

But before we can see the proof of what is laying just behind the lamp’s density (dark matter) in its existence, its signal has to be detected first.  A new experiment that has a very high probability in providing a clearer picture of what dark matter and dark energy is bears the name ALPS II (DESY) but let us not forget CERN’s Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) or the XENON experiment operated at the Italian Gran Sasso National Laboratory. These experiments are, to many, better known as “Light-through-the-wall”.

“The idea behind the “Light-through-the-wall” experiment is to calculate and proof that there is an Axion-like particle that can travel through the wall and transform back to photon”, DESY’s press officer Dr. Zoufal says during a tour. “When we can see this happening, we know that there has to be something different to photon on the other side of the wall at a special wave-length.”

Dark Matter; exotic and hypothetical since the early 1930s but the search continues

When two photons see, or meet, each other they sometimes overreact with excitement and split themselves into an electron and positron pair which scientists call ‘virtual particles’.  

But in order for the tiered light particles, which are both chargeless and massless, to interact with one another they must go through a quantum mechanical loophole. (Quantum loop) They have no way to bounce off of each other without some kind of help.

However, when the EM-fields of two lead ions swoosh through one another and high-energy photons have the opportunity to ‘absorb’ this ‘energy’, as well as from the free electrons, it can so to speak, generate its own energy while speeding up its momentum between the mirrors. At one point a photon has absorb that much, it will be in need of releasing this energy. This releasing of energy could be observed as a small explosion. Now this might sound a little bit funny but let’s say we have 20 of these charged light bulbs (photons) of which only 1 gained the needed mass, due a nuclear magnetic spin, to convert into an Axion-like particle. The remaining 19 are likely to burst showing an X-ray scattering when the conditions are not perfect enough for them to be converted into an Axion-like particle. Nevertheless, these empty photons or ‘tiered light’ do have an important task to fulfill…making this 5% of matter visible when merging with the correct host.

Although we tend to think that nature thinks-up the most complex systems, nature is far from being complex and, strange as it might sound, so is the behavior of the universe. Like water always chooses the path of the least resistance to travel from A to B, converting the charged photon into the hypothetical Axion seems to be perfect for transporting this light, disturbing or bending the NM (R) energy as well as making some yet unknown particles ‘slower’ by using its mass both in a controlled manner. Somehow it has to be otherwise we could never have known about the 5% in the first place. Still, this is not the signal where scientists are looking for but it is a nice start to look for where it is not. In this you can think of a straw in a glass of water. Also, this signal, what can be measured, does not particularly have to lay in the missing (zero) mass or energy, after it has ‘plopped’ back to its original state.

Many physicists think dark matter is a thermal relic, created in huge numbers in before the cosmos was a half-second old and lingering today because it barely interacts with any other particle.

Our 19 light bulbs becoming almost empty or being ‘tired light, in particle physics known as the electromagnetic force, is not entirely a farfetched idea. In 1929 the Swiss astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky already proposed that photons gradually give up their energy to the intergalactic matter through which they travel, through a process analogous to Compton scattering (a collision between a photon and a charged particle, often an electron, in which the photon loses a substantial fraction of its energy), leading to a progressive reddening of the light. To make it all a little bit weirder. This tired light, having zero mass, does not hover aimlessly through the universe. It is likely to assume that these photons are searching for ‘something’ what turns them into visible light and change their momentum and thus yields a force whereby this light is able of ‘physically’ interacting with matter like you and me. Maybe we should not sweep the idea of 1, or maybe 2, of our 20 photons is repeating the process of speeding up, generating more energy and mass, and become a hypothetical Axion again, immediately under the carpet. As well as the remaining photons are lighting up some parts of the universe as they are searching for a host that only interacts via gravity and not carrying any charge after they plop into the state of being ‘tiered light’; the sterile Neutrino. And in an instant this ‘nothing’ or ‘sterility’ with the new flavored Neutrino becomes not nothing at all. Could we refer to the Sterile Neutrino-Photon flavor as the first steps towards dark energy which in turn is ‘covering-up’ the rare photon-photon colliding? May we think, with some caution, of the Photon-Neutrino flavor, swirling, as in murmuration, through an EM-field, is dark matter?

But wait, let me insert the ‘spooky factor’ to it all by looking back to my article “EVPs: are we really talking with the other side?” in where I spoke about how crystals can be triggered by EM-vibrations, LED-light, pressure and the change in temperature.

“Not only EM-vibrations can trigger the crystals inside a digital recorder. A piezo-electrical effect created by a light source as e.g. LED is also a potential candidate for creating crazy vibrations in crystals which the devices (holding these crystals) can translate into intelligible words or short sentences by for example converting light, sound, direct temperature differences, or mechanical pressure into electrical signals. (Most plastic dolls are made from rubber polymers like silicone or vinyl which are solid rubber polymers and do contain crystals, crystal which are being triggered by temperature due the material that surrounds them.)

Since the universe contains plenty of carbon, this ‘tiered’ EM-light what has neither found a host nor is able to convert into an Axion, could easily address the carbon and creating (elastic) crystals in a similar manner as schist is being created in Limestone, which in turn is releasing a ‘special wave-length’ possessing potential energy. A process as such sounds logic due its simplicity and might have the prospect of being one of the two candidates for the signal (acoustic shadow) what proofs the existence of this mysterious dark matter what seem to be present in our hot cosmic freezer.

Both dark energy, created by EM-photons and sterile Neutrino’s, and a special wave-length, spawn from ordinary carbon, containing a frequency or vibration being that high or that low it just looks like ‘nothing’ but is actually moving on the borders of the electromagnetic spectrum. (Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation) And by behaving as so, it instantly becomes invisible for modern scientific measurement equipment like the MiniBooNe. 

With this being said, this yet undetected signal could also lie in the sterile Neutrino absorbing an EM-photon within a rotating lorentz force containing the perfect conditions and thus distance. Inside this ‘tunnel’ the acoustic shadows (the area in where sound-waves fail to propagate), from the moment the photon plops to the Axion, could be trapped inside the gravity (rotation) of a standing wave which is then established by means of the special wave length entering the right area of the rotating Lorentz force with a perfect angle. Indeed, this is a tremendous small window of time, almost looking for a needle in a haystack, but with a highly sensitive measurement device this signal can be made visible.

All in all, it is a plausible direction to look in while considering the idea that, in the end, the special wave-length can be responsible for making the 5% of the matter in the universe, which includes you and me, visible by hitting the surface of the electrical density of the non-exited particles, or at least extremely low charged, with a right angle whereby the acoustic shadow is not only the signal but also is creating a visible 3D+ effect in our hot cosmic freezer. 

Is my hypothesis an impossible one or can it lead to the understanding of the quantum-mechanical square dance of relic Dark Matter? Well, if nature is allowing it, why not.

Download the FREE PDF VERSION of the May Issue of The Next Truth!

In the May issue of The Next Truth we welcome back Germany’s ‘Time-Researcher’ Dr. Marc Wittmann who is taking us into this foggy sub-world of reality, Dr. Steve Taylor discusses, with an open-minded approach, why some scientists, and psychologists in particular, are often hostile towards the possible existence of psychic phenomena and we try to wrap our mind around Dr. Glenn Croston’s explanation of what it is we fear more than death itself.

Also in this issue; Nick Pope speaks of the facts and the fiction of conspiracy theories, SETI’s senior astronomer Dr. Shostak asks the question if alien civilizations have disappeared due a climate change on their home planet, a brief introduction of Major C. David Lewis who is a program manager in the Defense Sciences Office (DARPA), high-energy lasers drilling holes in plasma bulbs at the German research institute DESY and Lynn Kathleen Russell explores the similarities, the differences and the reality of both Near Death Experiences and Out of Body Experiences.


The Universe; as far as we know is all there is

By Maria Anna van Driel,

It is only a stone’s throw into mankind’s history that we had no idea there were other galaxies besides our own. It was thought that humanity and the galaxy we inhabit was an island adrift in a universe of a hundred billion stars. And even the universe itself is one of the great unexplained wonders of human history, we now know that our universe is a vast dynamic cauldron of activity and home to one hundred billion galaxies all racing away within a boiling ocean of space-time.

To understand the enormousness of the universe and how it made all the raw material we see here on earth, we need to take an incredible journey and travel back through space and time to the moment our universe was born. We need to go back to the very beginning, to a time when there was nothing…no stars, no space just a time before there was time. Then, all of a sudden it started in an instantaneous moment where from nothing our entire universe was created in the Big Bang.  

Violently it grew from smaller than the size of an atom to the size of a baseball. In cosmic terms that is like a grain of sand growing almost to the size of the observable universe. And even it has been around for a finite amount of time roughly 13 and 1/2 billion years; it looks pretty much the same everywhere actually. On very large scales the universe is actually a pretty simple place.

Nevertheless, the universe is a very, very big place and it is getting bigger. But how big is the visible universe? And why does it not agree with its own age? For finding an answer to these questions I plowed through an avalanche of articles provided by the internet and came to a halt at a You Tube video from Dr. Don Lincoln who is a senior scientist from Fermilab and adjunct professor of physics at the University of Notre Dame (USA). 

“There are lots of tricky ways to think about that, but let’s start with perhaps the most obvious. Time and space are inextricably intertwined when we talk about how far away things are. This is especially true when we talk about large scale structures of the universe.” Dr. Lincoln explains in his video If the universe is only 14 billion years old, how can it be 92 billion light years wide?’

“When the universe began, Dr. Lincoln continues, it was filled with light which then travelled through the cosmos. And, if the universe began 13.7 billion years ago and we’re just now seeing it arrive, it had to have traveled 13.7 billion light years before it hit Earth. Astronomers can actually see light from shortly after the universe began. It’s called the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB) and it’s the oldest thing we’ve ever seen.”

The cosmic microwave background is thought to be leftover radiation from the Big Bang, or the time when the universe ground. As the theory goes, when the universe was born it’s underwent a rapid inflation and expansion.

Since astronomers have seen the rapid velocity space is expanding with, it became a natural question to ask, “What is it expanding into?” No matter how deeply we peer into the cosmos, we cannot see a boundary and so far science has uncovered no evidence that a boundary exists. Space may extend to infinity or it may not, but in Einstein’s universe things can be curved. And if things can be curved they can be curved in on themselves or around any object it is countering. Odd as it might sound, but space itself might be twisting and bending its content to shape the universe and to virtually anything imaginable.

It seems that general relativity makes it, in some way, possible to live in an infinite universe with no boundary at all whereby space-time is suddenly not a static entity; it is a dynamic and ever-changing fabric within which the locations of all galaxies are woven. Galaxies are not themselves moving very much, but they appear to move to us because of new cosmic real-estate continually injected increasing their distance from us. Is this creation of new space-time and the rate at which it is being created, determines how fast a galaxy appears to be moving away from us?

“One day, the expansion of the universe will make it so that almost all of the galaxies we see in our telescopes today, which I remind you now we’re seeing as they were in the distant past, will slip from our view”, Dr. Lincoln says. “We will one day only be able to see galaxies from our local group, meaning the Milky Way, Andromeda, and a few dozen minor galaxies in the vicinity.”

There is still one big question we need to answer before we can start thinking about what the cause could be for this expansion. How do we know space is expanding? Well, science gathered a lot of data to back up the claim of space expanding. The Planck Telescope really came through but the most famous is probably the red-shift of light. But there is another source scientists are thinking of being the cause of the universe expanding and that is Dark energy.

“It turns out that the simplest calculation isn’t quite right, Dr Lincoln explains, you see, about five billion years ago, an energy field that we call dark energy became important. Dark energy is a repulsive form of gravity, which means that the expansion of the universe isn’t slowing down, it’s accelerating. That, of course, means that after 9 billion years of the expansion of space slowing down, it’s now speeding up.”

Now, while we may think of our galaxy as just an island or not, scientists have yet discovered that this whimsical place, containing subatomic particles showing the most bizarre behaviors when they meet, ‘stuff’- what is there but then is not- and black holes consuming cosmic debris like a whale swallowing its daily portion of plankton, is much larger than is ever thought. Still, after many centuries this rapidly expanding place remains a mystery. And even physics has come an enormous way; it has yet not provided a real way for us to ever look anywhere, but within it. It seems we simply cannot wrap our minds around this enormous dark cosmic freezer we are swirling in as well as none have yet not found a way to state if it might have boundaries or none at all.

Every culture, every age has asked the question and tried to answer it. It is one of the greatest adventures of the human mind to find out where we came from, where we are and of course, in the end, where we are going. It seems we are captured by medusa’s gaze when it comes down to unraveling the mysteries of this really, really big dark place of which its size and age seem not to agree with each other. And so, like a young caterpillar awaiting that miraculous and magical moment of unfolding its wings, we are cocooned from understanding what is perhaps the greatest question facing the human race what is to discover; Where do we come from and what is our ultimate fate.


When the Messenger of Misery Visits You… What Will Keep You in the Game?

By Maria Anna van Driel,

Life is a cruel system, is it not? Or should I say society is? You work hard…really hard…for days, weeks, months… you put all your energy in your field/lab research, your calculations or in finding the perfect words for your essay, thesis, book, article. During this period you slowly start to see a fabulous outcome. Yes…you are going to ace this for sure! Proudly you present the results of your hard work and then…reality kicks in. People say your calculations are gibberish, you have researched in the wrong direction and your book does not contain understandable grammar. F*CK!

Now you can throw all your notes out of the window from the highest building you can find and crawl into a deep and dark cellar hiding yourself from the world…getting consumed by this terrible feeling of disappointment. Okay, this sh*tty feeling is understandable but do really think you have failed?

Working as an investigative journalist in the midst of a variety of people, I see this happen every now and then but even this might sounds odd, there will never be a point in your life where it is the right time to do a great thing. If you are waiting for that perfect moment, that perfect timing, it is not going to happen. You have to create that perfect time, that perfect opportunity, and that perfect situation. When you are not, you are literally committing spiritual and intellectual suicide.

When you have a goal out here that you are stretching for and reaching for, that takes you out of your comfort zone, you will find out some talents and abilities you have that you didn’t know you have. There are things that you think you will never need to know, that you may only need to know one time in your life but unless you attempt to do something beyond that which you have already mastered, you will never grow. Pursuit your goal, don’t talk yourself out of it. You are phenomenal!

What reason can you remember, that you can call on, that you can reach on, that can make you get back up? Find that reason. I want you to make that dream you have to become a reality because if you don’t you will be working for somebody else to make their dreams become a reality.

Everybody is against you or don’t believe in you no more and let me tell you something: that is a lonely feeling what most people take their greatness, take their ideas to the graveyard with them. Indeed, the wealthiest place on the planet is the graveyard, because here we will find inventions that never, ever were exposed, ideas and dreams that never became reality, hopes and aspirations that were never acted upon. Question is, what are you going to do with your time? What drives you? Greatness is a lot of small things done well.

When things don’t work out for you, when things happen that you could not anticipate, what are the reasons that you can think of that can keep you strong? You will never ever be successful until you turn your pain into greatness, until you allow it to push you from where you are, to push you to where you need to be. Stop running and embrace your pain because it is going to be a part of your pride, a part of your amazing product.

Yes, it is easy to be on the bottom. It does not take any effort to be a loser and to stay down there on a low level but it calls on everything in you to harness your will to say; I’m going to challenge this stuff…my stuff!

And so, when life knocks you down try and land on your back, because if you can look up you can get up. If you want a thing bad enough to go out and fight for, to work day and night for, to give up your time, your peace, your sleep and making this your decade, you have got to start saying YES to your dreams and your unfolding future.
Believe it or not, you are going to be there one day, but you will never get there if you give up, if you give in and quit. You got to want to succeed as bad as you want the air you breathe.


The Next Truth August 2019 Issue is online!

I hope you enjoy this month’s issue and … thank you for hitting the ‘like button’ on MagCloud 🙂

In the August issue of The Next Truth: Prof. Robert Crease is explaining us the interconnected, entangled physical reality we live in by peeling back the layers of QBism, Prof. Francis McAndrew compares psychological, sociological and neurological processes so see whether these can be a trigger for us to experience extraordinary celestial experiences, Dr. Ralph Lewis is evoking a frantic feeling with us with the question if the universe has a purpose or not and Mullard Space Science Laboratory Deputy Director Prof. Andrew Coates presents us with a staggering theory of how a blanket of Aerogel can make Mars habitable.

Also in this issue: Tony Damian is exploring the possibility if divine angelic energies might be what science calls dark matter, we travel back to Vic Tandy’s laboratory and get on this crazy roller coaster of infra-sounds, NASA explains the physics of the polar cusp and Founder and President of Stargate Healing Pi-ramid Plasma Homes Julie Kramer weighs in on how we can benefit from future Tachyon healing chambers and Plasma Light Gardens.

The author Tony Damian has created an extra dimension to chapter 5 “Gut Feelings About Angles” by turning it into an audio version
