Day: December 10, 2014

WWII was a False Flag…. Hitler & Kings Edward, George were half-brothers

In her new book on the legitimacy of the Windsor family to the UK Crown [Saints or Sons of Perdition: UKs George V & Edward VIII], US citizen Emily Elizabeth Windsor-Cragg, the reported daughter of UK King Edward VIII (1994-1972),  has documented her case that World War II was a False Flag operation constructed around three half brothers. One half-brother, King Edward VIII, was the sitting UK monarch in 1936. The second half-brother was Adolph Hitler, then German Chancellor, and illegitimate son of King George V,  born out of an occult Order of the Bath ritual.

Saints or Sons of Perdition: UKs George V & Edward VIII

Royal Family Freemason faction stages coup against King Edward VIII

The third half-brother was King George VI, a member of the Freemason faction of the Windsor family. The Royal Freemason faction staged a long-term coup against King Edward VIII, the rightful heir because Edward was God-adhering, opposed to Freemasonry, and was a social progressive who supported the labor unions. This was anathema to the Freemason faction of the Royal family.

As their principal honey trap in this long-term coup, the Royal Family Freemason faction uses Wallace Simpson, an MI5 double agent. Wallace Simpson has served as the confidential intermediary between father King George V and son Adolph Hitler when Hitler frequented England as a youth.

Ms. Windsor-Cragg documents her inside the “Windsor” family story with 15 years of photographic research and 17 years experience as a photo analyst (including 5 years at Xerox). She refutes one long-standing theory that Hitler was the illegitimate son of a Rothschild.

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Page 48-70 ‘Does the British Monarchy speak from beyond the grave?’
Page 72- 80 ‘Britain’s real Monarchies’
Page 81-122 ‘Who the hell was Hitler?!’


Are we becoming God’s?

Ancient nations used laser to heal including to create life, Wernher von Braun warned us for an ‘asteroid hoax’ to build a space-defense and now a machine is here to simulate an asteroid impact!

Do you see the connection here? (don’t forget W. von Braun’s words…“and the last card, the last card will be an alien hoax…”)

Groundbreaking experiment recreates the moment speeding asteroid impact may have caused ‘spark of life’ on Earth for first time

  • Researchers zapped clay and a chemical soup with the laser to simulate the energy of a speeding asteroid smashing into the planet
  • Ended up creating crucial pieces of the building blocks of life

Scientists in a lab used a powerful laser to re-create what might have been the original spark of life on Earth.

The researchers zapped clay and a chemical soup with the laser to simulate the energy of a speeding asteroid smashing into the planet.

They ended up creating what can be considered crucial pieces of the building blocks of life.

The findings do not prove that this is how life started on Earth about 4 billion years ago, and some scientists were unimpressed with the results.

But the experiment does bolster the long-held theory.

‘These findings suggest that the emergence of terrestrial life is not the result of an accident but a direct consequence of the conditions on the primordial Earth and its surroundings,’ the researchers concluded in the study published Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The laser-zapping produced all four chemical bases needed to make RNA, a simpler relative of DNA, the blueprint of life.

From these bases, there are many still-mysterious steps that must happen for life to emerge. But this is a potential starting point in that process.

Scientists have been able to make these RNA bases other ways, using chemical mixes and pressure, but this is the first experiment to test the theory that the energy from a space crash could trigger the crucial chemical reaction, said lead author Svatopluk Civis of the Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry in Prague.

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The researchers zapped clay and a chemical soup with the laser to simulate the energy of a speeding asteroid smashing into the planet.
