WWII was a False Flag…. Hitler & Kings Edward, George were half-brothers

In her new book on the legitimacy of the Windsor family to the UK Crown [Saints or Sons of Perdition: UKs George V & Edward VIII], US citizen Emily Elizabeth Windsor-Cragg, the reported daughter of UK King Edward VIII (1994-1972),  has documented her case that World War II was a False Flag operation constructed around three half brothers. One half-brother, King Edward VIII, was the sitting UK monarch in 1936. The second half-brother was Adolph Hitler, then German Chancellor, and illegitimate son of King George V,  born out of an occult Order of the Bath ritual.

Saints or Sons of Perdition: UKs George V & Edward VIII

Royal Family Freemason faction stages coup against King Edward VIII

The third half-brother was King George VI, a member of the Freemason faction of the Windsor family. The Royal Freemason faction staged a long-term coup against King Edward VIII, the rightful heir because Edward was God-adhering, opposed to Freemasonry, and was a social progressive who supported the labor unions. This was anathema to the Freemason faction of the Royal family.

As their principal honey trap in this long-term coup, the Royal Family Freemason faction uses Wallace Simpson, an MI5 double agent. Wallace Simpson has served as the confidential intermediary between father King George V and son Adolph Hitler when Hitler frequented England as a youth.

Ms. Windsor-Cragg documents her inside the “Windsor” family story with 15 years of photographic research and 17 years experience as a photo analyst (including 5 years at Xerox). She refutes one long-standing theory that Hitler was the illegitimate son of a Rothschild.

Read more


Page 48-70 ‘Does the British Monarchy speak from beyond the grave?’
Page 72- 80 ‘Britain’s real Monarchies’
Page 81-122 ‘Who the hell was Hitler?!’


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