Day: September 4, 2014

Michele Bachmann Just Revealed What The FBI Told Her About ISIS That Made Her Jaw Drop

In an eye-opening interview on the “Glenn Beck Program,” Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) said she knew that at least two men from her home state had gone overseas to fight for the terror organization ISIS — but couldn’t disclose the then-classified intel before those men had been killed in battle.

Bachmann also told Beck that she was floored when FBI officials told her in a private meeting what would happen to other U.S. citizens who joined the Islamic State as war fighters…then tried to return to the United States.

“So what I asked is, ‘OK, once they’re done fighting with ISIS, what’s going to happen if they try to return?’ And they said, ‘Well, they’ll come into the country.’”

“Are you kidding me?” Bachmann remarked. “We are not going to prevent them from coming into the United States?’”

Bachmann told Beck that she is introducing legislation into Congress to prevent Americans who have joined the jihad overseas from being able to return without consequence to the homeland.

“In my opinion, they should lose their American citizenship,” she added. “Because at that point, you have turned against the United States. ISIS has declared the United States as their enemy. Once you join an enemy army … you should, by definition, lose your American citizenship, therefore your passport. You should have no ability to get back into the United States.”

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Is a copy of yourself living in a parallel universe the reason why you experience déjà vu?

Have you ever had a déjà vu experience? It’s the feeling, or impression that you have already witnessed or experienced a current situation.
The term déjà vu is French and means, literally, “already seen.”

It is a rather common, yet little understood phenomenon. Most of us have experienced being in a new place and feeling certain that we have been there before, but we have difficulties understanding how it is possible.
For a long time, this eerie sensation has been attributed to everything from paranormal disturbances to neurological disorders.
In recent years, as more scientists began studying this phenomenon, a number of theories about déjà vu have emerged, suggesting that it is not merely a glitch in our brain’s memory system.

Psychologists have suggested that déjà vu may occur when specific aspects of a current situation resemble certain aspects of previously occurring situations. If there is a lot of overlap between the elements of the new and old situations, we get a strong feeling of familiarity.

Alternative explanations associate déjà vu with prophecy, past life memories, clairvoyance, or a mystic signpost indicating fulfillment of a predetermined condition on the journey of life.

Whatever the explanation, déjà vu is certainly a phenomenon that is universal to the human condition, and its fundamental cause is still a mystery.

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