What if we are looking at ourselves when looking at an alien?

More and more I hear people say; “The truth is stranger than fiction”
What if that is the fact whit those CT’s?
WHAT IF…those ct’s are not for us to kill but for the little mistake they made at Area 51, 53…what ever.

Let’s go back to back to the dinosaurs era…
Our history tells us that we came from a unicellular organism that lived before the dinosaurs.
It has developed into a creature with lungs and came ashore.
Than a lot of bla bla bla and than a meteorite fell on this planet that wiped out most of the flora and fauna and it went dark for a looooong time…well that is what school teach us.
But what if an other organism came along whit that meteorite and mixed itself whit the `things` on this planet.
Or what if an other organism came along whit on of those volcanoes that they say, erupted.
That could mean that an other race was present during that time…a race that we now know as THE ALIENS.
What if that race lived under the ground to protect itself for predators who were much bigger then they were. 
What if they developed enormous eyes to see in the dark?
What if the ancient Egyptians found out, captured them and run some test on those things? or maybe breed whit them?
What if… centuries later…. the Russians really find some strange things in those pyramids?
What if they took it to the Nevada dessert? (the climate is almost comparable to the climate in Egypt) 
What if those medical test on lab animals are more than finding out if you lipstick won’t give you a rash?
WHAT IF those CT’S are not meant for us but for a race that can’t live in an atmosphere as it is today on this planet?
What if those Frankenstein scientist created an race from that ancient DNA to have their willing slaves?
What if those beings have developed strong telepathic abilities and that the KGB was testing those beings instate of common people?
What if….those CT’s are not for us but for those beings so they can breath the air?

What if those beings can create that much body heat and move like a mirage?
What if the military BAE system is based on their capabilities? 
What if the kidnappings the CIA preforms are nothing more that to find out if they can create offspring from those beings?

What if that’s the link the scientist are saying, we are missing in our evolution? 
WHAT IF the truth is REALLY stranger than fiction? 
What if…..?


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