The ancient Phoenix fire (force) is it in reality ICE instate of fire? Is an ice age necessary natural event to be reborn as a species? Is it a restart of mother-nature and could it be that our idiotic oppressors are using this event to fulfill the Georgia Guide-stones?

Honors and an introduction to new understandings about the Holographic Universe and Black Holes at the atomic level



Quantum Computing Explained

Vacuum Space

Vacuum is space often called “free space” that is devoid of matter and pressure. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that a particle has a probabilistic range of momentum; however, if confined, it has a zero-point energy.  The concept of zero-point energy was developed in Germany by Albert Einstein and Otto Stern in 1913, as a corrective term added to a zero-grounded formula developed by Max Planck in 1900.

According to the third law of thermodynamics, a system at absolute zero temperature (energy) exists in its ground state, its starting point. Absolute zero is the lowest temperature possible.  More formally, it is the temperature at which entropy reaches its minimum value.  In thermodynamics, entropy (usual symbol S) is a measure of the number of specific ways in which a thermodynamic system may be arranged, often taken to be a measure of disorder.

An excited state is any state with energy greater than the ground state. If more than one ground state exists, they are said to be degenerate. Many systems have degenerated ground states. The kinetic energy,created by motion of the ground state, cannot be removed.

However, in the classical interpretation, zero-point energy is when the thermal energy of matter vanishes. Scientists have achieved temperatures extremely close to absolute zero, (that is, very near 0 K or −273.15 °C) where matter exhibits quantum effects such as superconductivity and superfluidity.

Einstein demonstrated that cooling atoms to a very low temperature would cause them to fall “condense” into the lowest accessible quantum state, resulting in a new form of matter. For example, superfluid helium has many unusual properties, including zero viscosity (the ability to flow without dissipating energy) and the existence of quantized vortices.  A quantum vortex is a hole with the super-fluid circulating around the vortex.

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Bill Gates’s Depopulation Initiative

Were is Bill Gates really talk about nature?

Hell no, he is talking about an quantum computer , absolute control of time (as in mass and gravity) and mass-destruction weapons.

He really tells you that they want you to die, an event those freaks see a Nintendo game on a higher level.

The world will know a man made ice age created with a “nucleus bomb” and a “alien invasion hoax” that will rip your atom apart with EMP (or better known as “Anti-gravity” and “Directed energy”)

A Universe from Nothing


Zero-point energy in popular culture

In 1986, Arthur C. Clarke published a science fiction novel called The Songs of Distant Earth which depicts a starship called Magellan that is powered by the quantum vacuum zero point energy.

In Disney/Pixar‘s animated film The Incredibles, the main villain Syndrome refers to his weapons as using zero-point energy. The fan fiction community devoted to the character is named “Zero Point” because of this.

In the critically acclaimed game series from Valve CorporationHalf-Life, a “zero-point energy field manipulator” (popularly known as ‘gravity gun’), meant to handle sensitive, anomalous and hazardous materials, is used as both a weapon to throw objects at enemies in high speeds, as a primary attack, and a tool to solve physics puzzles consisting in moving objects of considerable weight.

In Nintendo‘s Star Fox series, there are mentions of a ‘G-Diffusion’ system. The so-called ‘G-diffusion’ is an experimental power system used in the game’s starfighters that reduces gravity forces on the pilot and provides a respectable power source for shields and propulsion, using advanced Zero-point energy technology.

Within the Stargate franchise the race of beings known as The Ancients who created the Stargate devices are also responsible for developing a crystalline energy source that contains a miniature universe from which zero point energy is extracted. Within the canon of both Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis Zero Point Modules (a.k.a. ZPMs), as they’re called, are responsible for producing orders of magnitude greater power than any other known form of energy output in the universe. Three of these were capable of powering the defensive shield on Atlantis, which is roughly the size of Manhattan, while it lay on the ocean floor for over 10,000 years.

In the Star Trek franchise, quantum torpedoes, which are first introduced in the Deep Space Nine episode “Defiant“, utilize zero-point energy in their warheads, according to the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual.

Larry Niven’s Known Space series of novels features a planetary drive that uses an ‘asymmetric force to create a propulsion ramp by tapping the zero-point energy of the vacuum’ that is utilized by the Puppeteers to steer their planets out of harm’s way from the explosion of the galactic core.

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