You all fight, yell, scream and kick against something you don't understand

Funny isn’t ….millions of people scream that they are being a slave to the corrupt system of a group of vultures who call themselves the NWO and as soon as they get the answer to this obstacle in life they reject it.

You all fight, yell, scream and kick against something you don’t understand….it’s like killing a spider in your kitchen.
Every time you kill it or spray it the spider will come back because you don’t understand its behavior.
As soon as you do and take the spider to the forest were it can eat as many flies as it wants…it won’t come back.

So to all the little sheep who who still have the idea to fight fire with fire…WAKE THE FUCK UP MAN!
You are fighting against something you don’t understand!
Learn their behaviors and understand it…educate yourself by looking into their history and don’t become THEIR SPIDER!

Stop walking the wrong side of the mirror and see the real manipulation.
The place were you can find the truth is smaller than you would think!




The earth is mapped…your behavior is mapped…your DNA is mapped…your brain is mapped…now let start the mapping of the soul! 

And you think that you are awake?!
Open your eyes and THINK again!
You are still locked-down in a virtual dream…your are still a prisoner in a world with transparent borders!
You are living THEIR dream!

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