Are they really releasing the Phoenix by letting their super soldiers rise from your ashes?

What do you get when you mix silicone, bovine cells and silver in a 3D printer? A bionic ear that can pick up radio signals and turn them into sound

Scientists at Princeton University, pictured right, have devised a way to produce an ear-shaped chunk of silicone mixed with bovine cells and infused with tiny particles of silver that form a coiled antenna. Like any antenna, this one can pick up radio signals that the ear will interpret as sound. The 3-D ear, pictured left, is not designed to replace a human one, though the research is meant to explore a new method of combining electronics with biological material.

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The contact lenses that can give you telescopic vision like SUPERMAN

Researchers from San Diego and Switzerland have developed contact lenses which, when worn with Samsung 3D glasses, give the wearer telescopic vision – a power held by Superman, pictured. The lenses magnify scene details by 2.8 times and have been designed to restore the sight of people suffering from age-related blindness.

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Frankenstein-style HEAD transplants could soon be a reality, claims leading surgeon

Up until now it has been the work of science fiction and horror films such as Frankenstein, pictured, but scientists could soon be carrying out complete human head transplants. An Italian neurosurgeon believes doctors now have the technology to transplant a human head onto another person’s body. The procedure has previously been performed on monkeys but recent technological breakthroughs that make it possible to reconnect spinal cords could see the operation carried out on humans.

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Humans could develop BEAKS like pufferfish because our teeth are ‘no longer fit for purpose’, claims scientist

Dr Gareth Fraser, from the University of Sheffield, believes that beaks like those of pufferfish are ‘far more robust and practical.’ He also believes that renewable teeth may be just 50 years away.

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How firing an AK47 underwater can actually make it work BETTER: Enthusiast proves not only does weapon fire while submerged, it reloads faster

In an experiment posted online, a team put one of the automatic machine guns into an water-filled aquarium and filmed it using a high-speed camera.

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The anti-social media app that helps you AVOID your friends

A New York student has used location-based social media site Foursquare to create a partially satirical app designed to help users dodge their friends with the help of a handy ‘avoidance map’.

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