A letter from an elite master to his son …

“The money is the power, and whoever controls the money, controls the power.”

True but they forgot you to tell that you a curtain knowledge to gain this financial power…they don’t tell you the real power behind it all!




A letter from an elite master to his son, do
not know if this is real, but it is
sure interesting… See the whole article


My son, it is time you begin to realize the world is an illusion, a stage, and there
are many actors, but there is usually a writer, and a director and then there
are those who are what are called Producers.
In the stage of life my son, the writers, directors and actors are meaningless.
Even though they get what is called the meat of contact.
Meaning, they are the one’s who actually get the stage light upon them, but it is the producers behind the scenes that make it all happen.
Without the producers, there is no movie, at least in the sense of power.

The money is the power, and whoever controls the money, controls the power.
There is no other trick to it, there is only an illusion.
You will begin to learn those with the least amount of expertise and real abilities are the ones who believe they have all of the power.
These are the hypocritical parasitical politicians.
This is why they spend all of their time devising ways on how to take power away from
the people, because they have no real power of their own and never have.
If they could produce power they would not need to steal it.

All of them use up other peoples power to get where they are at.
Usually under the pretense of bribes and coercion, they manipulate their way to the top, on
someone elses money.
There was a movie that was created a while back called, Other
Peoples Money, OPM, and that my son is the way of this world.
You kiss the ring of those who have the money, and then they allow you to be part of their movie.

Never be deceived, those who believe they have power, by stealing it, have nothing.
In one moment, one hour, it could all be taken away, from the highest to the lowest.
You see son, there is a big difference in controlling capital and its flow, and how
it is created versus accessing grants and funds, through an agent.
When we step into the rink of the Parliament, or even the White House, and yes even the
They do what we tell them to do, why?
Because we have the root of their power, and they know it.

None of them have enough smarts to know whether we are lying our ##### off to them,
or if we are being forthright, to them it doesnt matter, why?
Because we hold all of the cards.
My son, things are about to change in this world.
We are about to let go of those who think they have the power.
We are tired of carrying them along while they pretend to be gods, pharaohs and royalty.
I say pretend, because that is all it is, most of them have no regal right to be where they are. We placed them there.

They spend all of their time creating disorder for one reason, and that reason is
not what most believe it to be.
They are not really trying to create order out of chaos, they wouldn’t know how to create order if it was drawn as a blue print before them, because they have no order mentally, they are truly mental baskets cases as some of my friends state.
Their minds are in complete disorder.
They are all trying to save their own assess.

Let me explain, when someone lacks real education, they act in fear.
When someone has a low intelligence factor, they act out of self survival.
They have no other means to protect themselves.
They are too ignorant to really understand what roll they are really playing.
Nevertheless they are smart enough to realize, who pulls the strings.
Just like a dog or cat recognizes who feeds them.
These unwitting dupes are the true sheep, the true cattle, for even many of the actors have more self control than these do.
And without self control you cannot control others, it will always end very badly.

They feel because they have the armies of the world behind them, and at their beckon
call they can destroy or uphold anything they desire, that this means they have
true power.
My son never forget, without the producers, the game will not go on.
If we do not fund their wars, or their conflicts, they can’t move an inch!

Yes we took advantage of their ignorance and used them like mule horses, to do our
It is so easy to maneuver them because they have no ability to think or assess critically. Many of them are raving madmen and women, and perverts.
These are the easiest to control.
They lack character, they lack real definition.
They exist to live off of others.
Now you may ask, what is the difference between us the producers and them the writers and directors, aren’t we all using the actors to make them do what we want?

Of course we do, but there is a vital difference, and it comes down to this, I can
give you a million pounds, and you will be that much richer, and you can do with it
however you choose.
But you still do not know how to create that million pounds.
And this is the difference.
In any creation or construction there needs to be a market, a plan, a goal.
A way to create wealth continually.
This is, and always has been our goal.
Ultimate Creation is not destruction!

It is in our blood, opulence is our elixir of life.
The difference is, we know how to create it using a controlled market, they do not know how to do this, and they spend all of their time destroying the markets we build.
You see they exist for one reason, they are the real parasites of this world.
They destroy everything they have, we build everything.
There is no market in slums, there is great market in magnificent well organized structured technological cities.

And this was the reason I wanted to reveal this to you this day, to understand why
we are about to cut them off from everything.
Once they are cut off they will have no ability to ever again access their illusory power.
They will be like chickens with their heads cut off all trying to destroy and eat each other. Once upon a time we used them because it was needed to restructure governments behind the basis of how we operate.

This is coming to an end.
We do not need them anymore.
They are destroying everything we handed them on a silver platter all to save their own ##### from the actors.
You see once the actors are privy to who these demented entities are, they will surely eradicate them.
And like we did for them at one time, we will also do for the actors, we will fund them.

My son we want wealth, we love luxury.
We do not want to live in a cesspool world created by these maggots that have no mind. They are sucking the life blood out of our world because they are not creators, they are destroyers.
Remember it is them that are casting the actors, telling the actors what to do, and then they
blame the actors for following their role perfectly.
And they call them the animals, when they know not that they the directors, the writers, are truly the basest of life.
It was their imagination that created this mess, and we funded them to serve our
purpose, but that is now finis.

And now that we control the entire world, we do not need them anymore.
Soon you will begin to see stories coming out, that we will back, new scripts written that
we shall produce, and soon a new world will appear.
Not the new world order these ego centric morons desire, a but a new world of wealth and glory where all can be part of.

We are about to cut the strings off our puppets as we are truly their masters.
Within days new stories will appear, within weeks, major operations will go
down, and guess what, we are funding all of it.
Does this sound unfair, does this seem wrong to you?
Listen, the truth is simple, we control the world now, and we want it our way.
We are not going down the path of these sick, blinded perverted basket cases that do not know their ##### from page nine.

If we left it up to them, they would destroy everything!
So what was our mission all along, what was our real agenda?
to remove the power of governments that have controlled for thousands of years, and bring it into our hands.
We used them and now they are of no longer any use to us.
But we never desired to destroy everything and leave our world a dead zone.

What is so funny they will bitch and complain, they will say, we are the rulers of
this planet, and we shall sit back and laugh.
They will give their commands to their underlings, and we will simply pull the plug wherewith they have no money.
It is all coming down to this, we no longer need the President of those United States,
Nor the Queen of our Regal Kingdom, nor do we need any Vatican papacy, for we control
everything now.
And we want to live in a world of luxury and peace.

If we have to walk through the slums to get to where we desire to go, then the world
we created is not much of a world is it?
We don’t desire to suppress the actors on the stage of life, we simply do not want to be regulated by them or their ignorant rulers anymore.
Because the history of this world has been one thing only, and that is, wars and death.
This is what happens when we allow the directors and writers to establish the script and the actors just play along.
it truly is the game of life, not the game of death!

It is all about control through bloodshed for them.
And it is supported by religion, science and government alike.
How could we possibly bring an end to this, well we the Knights knew long ago, whoever controls the wealth can change all of this anarchy.
You see my son, everything in life is based on directing and writing.
This is where all are being coerced from.
And it is a script of death.

This was our agenda all along.
We love opulence, we love beauty and art.
We love symmetry and design.
But we could never have this if we continue in the world as it is heading.
Because the politicians, religious leaders and all the rest were always set on destroying this world. There has always been some deep sickness in
their hearts to control and destroy.
They see beauty and art and they destroy it, we buy it.
They see organization and community, they destroy it, we operate in it.

Sure, we may come across as the pariahs of this world,. the greedy evil bankers.
But know this my son, there is only a few of us that really control everything,
many of the bankers are also part of the mental breakdown like their supporters.
They can only see in front of their face, they have no vision, no long term thinking.
We allowed them all to play their roles, and now we are taking back all power to ourselves, and we shall share it with everyone.
We own all the gold and silver, because like idiots they are, they gave it to us, we own all the real money.
They only have left their fake money, in which we taught them how to use, to
create a fabricated control.
That is now all over!

We do not want to live in a mental ward world.
We want freedom and peace just as the actors do, why do you think we would go through so much to set this stage accordingly.

My son, do not be concerned when this all goes down, we are now directing it as well
as producing, the power of the politician’s is dead.
Many of them will flee for their lives, but they wont be able to go far, below or even above. There will be no place to hide once the actors know what has happened, and once we begin to fund the actors, this game will be over and a new game will begin.

Are you ready?



letter 1













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