The real knowledge that they kept from you to know!



Let me explain this quickly to you… take internet for instance.

I talk to people all over the world and it happened many times that I’m talking to someone whose calendar says 26th of the month and mine 28th.

That means that I write something to the past and the other person is writing to someone who is living in the future.

This is time travel through hyperspace.

Another example is flying with a plain to another time zone… the way you get that infamous jetlag.

This is also a form of time travel.

But the form the people of the old world were talking about is to travel with your mind.

Today we call it remote viewing, something the CIA, the KGB and the Chinese were interested in during the 60ths.

And if those institutes knew back then about the possibility of traveling through time only by using the mind, project Pegasus is defiantly based on true knowledge.

A knowledge that they kept from you to know!

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