It's not the idea, believe or customs that are bad…it's the one who controls it for its own greedy purpose!



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People…we have to wake up…to wake up from the matrix they created for us so we can be their happy little slaves!

Slavery, it’s a phenomena that only exists in you mind…IT’S NOT REAL!

You think you are tide up by debts, mortgage, med-care etc but you only believe that because they told you that over and over again!

You think that you can’t accomplish great work because they told you so!

You CAN’T see the truth because they told you not to!

Those hissing lizards hypnotized you from the day you were born and they keep you in that state with chemicals.

A mind controlling hypnoses that was discovered during the eras of the old worlds and stole by the people who want a new world.

A new world were THEY can play for God…and they CAN because we let them!

We let them because we stopped believing in ourselves…we stopped believing in our own power and started to believe their fucking stories.


Jesus had only ONE TRUE MESSAGE!

Jesus; the first whistle blower in time that we know of!

This man was not send from haven in a literal sense, it’s a way of speech to to indicate that he had redeeming words about the lies the church told the people.
Lies to keep the people under control by making them afraid of making mistakes.

This man called Jesus these days had only ONE MESSAGE; There is only one God and that’s YOU!
YOU are your own God…YOU are the one who’s in control of your own life.
There is nobody who have the power to let you do otherwise.

  • No ecclesiastical leader has the power to tell you to pray in a church to reach your inner-self,
  • no ecclesiastical leader has the power to tell you when you are right or wrong,
  • no ecclesiastical leader is authorized to kill in YOUR name!

And if they have or can, you let them!
YOU are your own god…you are free!

This man called Jesus these days was killed over the truth….the truth that will let you live as a free man and gives the people their own power back.


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