How Does Our Brain Translate the Messages From What it is that Dwelling in the Realms of the Beyond.

With Nick Howe and Andy Wilson

Hauntings, EVP’s and Mystical Visions; how does our brain translate this and what is the ‘the-new-house’ effect?    

Andy Wilson and Nick Howe are both, trained by ASSAP (Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena), and dedicated paranormal investigators from London, UK whereby they approach each case in a rational manner. While gathering the evidence and trying to make sense of what still lies beyond the borders of the unexplained, they do not hesitate to add some humor to their investigations every now and then.

Even though a national daily newspaper reported in July 2015 that 82% of Britons believe in the supernatural, 68% say they have experienced a supernatural event and 56% have had some sort of contact from a bereaved loved one… many are still holding a skeptical view on the scientific research conducted in order to search for a plausible explanation of what these paranormal events really are.

I am your host Maria Anna van Driel… and you’re listening to “The Next Truth; Where Science and Myth Meet”.    This week I am welcoming back two dedicated and trained by the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena, UK-en paranormal investigators, Nick Howe and Andy Wilson whose view is that a more rational approach has to be taken, one which respects the client’s opinions and privacy.

Watch the very first video version of the TNT-Podcasts

Together with their team PRI-UK, Nick and Andy are gathering evidence and trying to make sense of what still lies beyond the borders of the unexplained and share the opinion that, despite the wide spread belief, some scientific fields lacks a broad minded approach to the paranormal and generally rejects the idea that these unexplained events could occur.

I believe these events are not just your mind playing tricks on you. In fact, there might actually be a scientific explanation for things like ghosts, demonic hauntings, and even shadow people. 

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