Yellowstone, Denver Airport, the death zone in New Mexico, Las Vegas, Nervada Dessert and Area 51…what do they have in common?

Yellowstone, Denver Airport, the death zone in New Mexico, Las Vegas, Nervada Dessert and Area 51…what do they have in common?

Denver airporte: The Denver Airport Conspiracy.
The death zone (new Mexico):
Las Vegas: white collar crime?
Area 51: Erea 51…a military base or are we really visited by the extraterrestrial?
Now connect all the places together… I bet you can draw a pentgram in there!
When you look at the picture above you can see that they all arround Utah… in witch a wide open salty area lays that is used to test lots of vehicles and their speed.

So, what are they doing there?
Creating hybrids?… messing whit our DNA?…working on advanced airplanes?…
What is the use of the heavy surveillance of Area 51 … do they want to keep people out or do they want something else to keep INSIDE?

Is H.A.A.R.P a part of area 51?

Is the LHC a part of secret projects of the Government (NWO) performed in this area?
Is Yellowstone a natural dumping place for nuclear waste?

I Denver airport a storage room for advanced technology?

Is the money, gathered in Las Vegas, a financial container to finance the secret projects who are performed in this area?

Why did they build it into the ground…because it is a secret?

Bullshit!…in the White House they also discussed everything about our future, and that is also not built underneath the ground?!

So why are they shooting people because they cross an imaginary line which is marked with a small orange pole?

 (I will be back on this one really soon)




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