If I was talking b*llsh*t then why labeling my writing as destructive?

Many people ask me were Vol 3 and 4 are, unfortunately I have to say that these two volumes are not available (yet) due the revealing truth what can shatter ones faith at once as well as the understanding of real history in technology and developments in alchemy if spiritual strength is missing in ones mind.
The truth about these three subjects I reveal in my last two books which gives you the understanding of the first two.
If I was talking b*llsh*t then why are the last two being extremely slowed down?
Number three is the mystery and symbolizes manifestation into the physical while number four is the 4th dimension and equals time which is illusion.

Let me give you a small inside in my writing what some have labeled of having the power to wake you up and to destroy the system you are living in these days.
Let me give you an odd truth of ancient rituals and its medieval secret knowledge gained from a 52.000 year old technology what could create acoustic and magnetic levitation, heal broken bones, gave pharaohs the ability to life up until 150 years and … created many strange looking mythical creatures we know today as cyclopes, mermaids, dwarfs and many more.

(a phrase from Vol. 4)
“For the next ….. pages I will show you how your brain has focused on illusions and how it has put its attention on things its sees as important and relevant to your survival and well-being.

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