Did you know that the covers of my books contain a secret message which lays hidden in symbolism?

BLACK as in Teutonic as well as in a collective and global blindness which I explain in Vol.2
BLUE is the ‘above’, it tells about an invisible ‘blue source’ of ancient nations as well as todays technological side of it.
WHITE is the contrast of black as well as it is the ‘shadow’ of blue … WHITE is the color of ‘the enlightened ones’ who possess the power of a true history.
RED is the ‘below’ of all volumes … and shows a creepy reality of rituals, cults groups and parallel worlds which are build up from natural elements.

‘Black and blue’ is a combination which refers to the night as ‘white and red’ is referring to the day.
My books are referring to two ancient groups we know today as the THULE and VRIL society.

The covers of my books are showing the ‘as above,so below’ in a symbolic languish which can be red by those who ‘SEE’ the false reality.

Vol books

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