The Holy Trinity Of Our Future selves…4 books about an odd and crazy history having a scary future, YOUR FUTURE!

‘The NWO, their thoughts…your life’ is written for those who have the feeling that the world today does not add up to its behavior but cannot put their finger on.
With crazy royal history, stupid political humor and rudeness in words the reader will get to the boiling point before the middle page has been reached but will sense the feeling of being awake in the end.

‘Our mind in a controlled quantum Euclidean space?’ will scare the hell out of you as soon as you understand how easy it has become these days to reprogram you and to turn you into a Manchurian candidate.
This booklet will make you aware of the controlling but invisible world which is around you 24/7.

‘The Source of Immortality’ contains an odd truth of a 52.000 year old technology what could create acoustic and magnetic levitation, heal broken bones, gave pharaohs the ability to life up until 150 years and … created many strange looking mythical creatures we know today as cyclopes, mermaids, dwarfs and many more.

‘The Quest for the Secret Knowledge of the Knights Templar’ is a book which I am still writing and meant for those who want to know about ancient rituals and its medieval secret knowledge.
(not published)

2 responses to “ The Holy Trinity Of Our Future selves…4 books about an odd and crazy history having a scary future, YOUR FUTURE! ”

  1. Jeffrey Howlett says:

    I really enjoy your films and research.

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