The Source of Immortality (The Global Elite and their Fountain of youth)

The snake equals the Kundalini energy
The capstone with the eye equals your third eye.

These symbols tell an ancient and secret knowledge of healing and rising above yourself by means of using natural energies…your energy!
Unfortunately the contemporary world leaders are spreading disinformation about this secret meaning that the majority of this globe will stay away from it as if it were a disease.
This energy is also known as ‘the Phoenix force/fire’.

This process of keeping the global population in the dark has also been used in faith.
Keeping you away from the dark corners of the universe means you will NEVER enter nor see the divine light to accomplish great things.

Remember, fear is the biggest manipulator of the global population!



Let’s take a look at a phrase from Vol. 2 ‘The Source of Immortality’, a book that gives you a complete understanding of how the controlling factors in your daily life keep you in line.
Because as soon as we…the people… start to understand ‘their’ power source and turn this power into positive thoughts, from that moment on ‘they’ will start losing their control over us.
But before we can reach this state we have to throw away the illusions we think of as reality.
We have to understand that WE are keeping the system alive by living their ideals and thoughts.

Rejecting the grid is step one meaning that the global population have to see technology as for what it is…TECHNOLOGY, not reality nor life-forms!
Step two is to educate yourself on the origin of this strange kind of evoloution in today’s technology, learn the mythological history of it and free your self from a future prision in a Tron-society.
See how it has repeated itself over time because it is repeating itself right here and right now…but by the hands of men.

The Source of Immortality
(The Global Elite and their Fountain of youth)

In the book “The NWO, their thoughts…your life” I explained you in a simple way what the New World Order is as well in the past as in the present days.
Now if you have that book in your possession, take it from the bookshelf because some of the following text you are going to read is directly referring to paragraphs in that book.
And if you thought that my previous book was scary and has burst your happy bubble of illusions … you will get nightmares from this one!

I will spare you the nonsense of a lengthy preface and come directly to the point.
No detours or long winding roads which lead to nothing.
Let us talk about the true powers of the global Elite of today.

The system or better said the AGENDA of the today’s New World Order cult, is based on an old knowledge.
This information was stole from history by denying you the access to it and what is turned into a weapon of control and mass destruction … a weapon that extracts the information from your brain.
By spreading all those micro- and radio-waves through the atmosphere (which we already think of as a normal and common thing) the contemporary world leaders will have the opportunity to flat-line the natural electrical impulses in your brain meaning that they can change your bio-rhythm thus your behavior and thoughts.

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