Reality as we know it doesn't exist therefore WE ARE THE ILLUSION!


Red hair and green eyes is a sign of the devil right…11.00 minutes in the video, now you know were it comes from!
Come on people, we are them and they are us…we are the same code created with natural and cosmic energies.

People wake up…

  • There is neither heaven nor a hell!
  • There is neither collar nor grayness!
  • There is neither life nor death!
  • There is neither love nor hate!
  • There is only the holy trinity of Mother Nature which is Electricity, Chemicals and Resonance.

Reality as we know it doesn’t exist therefore WE ARE THE ILLUSION!


“All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration … that we are all ONE consciousness experiencing itself subjectively.

There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves.”

(William Melvin “Bill” Hicks who is probably Alex Jones)


Now what is an illusion it’s a false appearance or deceptive impression of reality like a mirror gives an illusion of depth.

Thus if we are an illusion of our own reality, it will mean that we are looking into our mirrored selves.

This means that we are a creation of our imagination, a copy of ourselves.


A phrase of my book, “The Source of Immortality”;

(The “Sling-shot” theory, using the energy of other planets and moons to push something further into space … or to pull something towards you)

Thus if the people of the old world shoot the photons away from their leaders, kings or/and prophets and some of them had a growth disorder like a deformed skull, that genetically information will also be teleported to the next place.

That will explain why some of the “classic aliens” have big heads.

(Or was this photon shooting working backwards?) 



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