Just a couple of minutes ago I was walking my dog when I saw H.A.A.R.P. in action! (video)

This was gone as quickly as it started…it only took 15 minutes totally.


It’s really fucked up that they can do this and the worst shit is…NOBODY IS SEEING IT! 

History lesson for all…H.A.A.R.P. is an old concept of natural energy that is controlled by humans.
What was it again; old civilizations were wiped out because of earthquakes in the past.
Now let’s look at the buildings they made and what they really were…long story short, the ancient people knew how to create higher energy with a “Dynamo-effect” (sound, water…whatever was available in their environment) 
Throw in some chemicals and you can create laser…a weak one but still it is laser.

Thus, what if the ancient people threw in a little bit more hertz than necessary and created earthquakes with it?
OOPS…the earth shifted a couple of degrees which can mean that Egypt turned into a dessert over time.
What if our scientists of today refined this kind of technology which was written in ALSO in the bible?
What if they played and are playing with the magnetic field of the rock we are living on?
We all know about the sonic booms and the HUM, what if those creepy scientists AGAIN create a shifting of the earth which we see as strange weather and the melting of the pool-caps?

Is this one of the big cover-ups?
Are they occupied with photon shooting using an ancient knowledge we know as the “Slingshot” theory? 

H.A.A.R.P., an ancient technology which is known by few and invisible for many.


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