Month: August 2022

STEM Education: A New Wave in a Vast Ocean of Possibilities

Some months ago the publisher of STEM News Chronicle, Mr. Lawrence King, contacted me with the following question, “Many academically talented girls often leave STEM majors or shy away from careers in STEM here and in Europe. Do you have any insights?”

For a few days I let my mind run over this sad but very true fact. And, after having several conversations with different people concerning this matter, my personal thoughts went out to: we seem to life in a democratic system what is containing from a unified language.

A language that is being imprinted in young creative minds somewhere around the period of them attending a university. And with this I mean, young people who are extremely enthusiastic about a particular topic and wanting to find out whether A) their first idea/theory regarding their question asked might be correct and B) what else can be researched in this matter, run into a huge and massive wall as soon as they present their amazing theories, spawn from creative thinking, to their peers and/or professors.

Sure, it is good to know and understand what was once written by well-known scientists both historical and modern names. But, frankly, I am of the opinion that in the moment we keep these brilliant minds from being creative and playing with known scientific facts, is killing an open mind as well as ones personality in the end.

Welcome or welcome back to The Next Truth podcasts…“Let’s ask questions”.

I am your host Maria Anna van Driel and today I am speaking with the founder and publisher of STEM News Chronicle, Mr. Lawrence King, STEM Thought Leader, Media Personality, CEO, Physicist and Public Speaker, Dr. Trina Coleman and The founder of Agent Hi5 Marketing, Mr. Brian K. Saunders about the importance of STEM education and, how STEM News Chronicle is bringing awareness to the general public concerning how we can inspire young people and let their minds set off on a voyage of discovery.

Trauma, PTSD and 1st responders…Let’s Talk

A new You Tube channel is under construction

“We can’t call 911, we are 911!”
“They will not understand what I have gone through!”
“Why should I say anything if they don’t ask about it!”
“I have no where to turn to!”
“Perhaps it is better for me to disappear from the grid.”

If I, in the past 10 years, had gotten a quarter for each time I heard “I am doing fine”, I would be a millionaire by now! But that is not what psychological and peer support is about. In my opinion, it is about respecting people, their thoughts, ideas, emotions and experiences. It is about knowing that you can call your confidant at 2 O’clock in the morning and actually hearing him/her answering your call, for instance. (let’s try not to let it get that far)

Trauma and (C)PTSD can hit anyone and can activate someone’s darkest behaviors and language as well as it is letting someone look into the abyss of their own psyche. The behaviours accompanied with these trauma’s are confusing too many therapists still because A) they are still working with the written words of old-fashion textbooks and B) they have never ride with you or your colleagues. Meaning, they will diagnose you too quickly with ‘being a danger for yourself and others’ without knowing the details of what is happening out there.

Although not everyone is voicing their emotions and/or thoughts in such a strong manner (cursing or using dark humor), with a peer focused mindset this way of speaking up the mind is a perfectly normal reaction of e.g. a pent-up frustration.

I believe in working with someone’s strongest skills in order to build them up and make them smile. I don’t believe in taking away those resorts that make people feel safe and secure what in turn make them feel small and insecure. Simply in order to impose a therapy that does not even come close to the person sitting in front of you talking about their experiences.

For the therapists, (psycho) psychologists and psychiatrists out there…did I addressed your thinking? Good! Take that powerful energy you are feeling right now, convert it into a positive energy and apply it to your approach towards those who are sitting across from you. Because, most of the times, the behaviours you see are the effects of an underlying problem that has become a habit over time.


Light Emitting Cryptids: What Is the Science of These Secret Life Forms?

With the director of the nonprofit Institute for Resonance, Dr. Simeon Hein

Is bigfoot an undiscovered primate, a relic hominid, or an alien species?  Why are so many encounters filled with unusual and extraordinary phenomena like luminosities, apparent time slips, and telepathic interactions?   And, how are cryptids related to ball lightning and orbs?

Although Crypto-zoology is not considered a real science, it is based on the sciences of Zoology and Paleontology and can therefore offer a scientific solution in the existence of these cryptids are and, their evolutionary path. 

Some Cryptids might not exist, but there is a high possibility that others do. In fact, National Geographic proved that Hogzilla and the Congo Elephants, two Cryptids thought to be hoaxes, did exist.

If these Cryptids once existed, then there could be scientific evidence that evolutionary roots on to how these creatures possibly evolved in unison with human evolution, is available for us to and research the existence of today’s cryptids.

I am your host Maria Anna van Driel and today I am welcoming back the Director of the nonprofit Institute for Resonance in Boulder, Colorado, Dr. Simeon Hein, about new scientific findings in coherent energy-matter and how these ideas help explain paranormal phenomena, like space-time anomalies and orbs, seen around creatures such as bigfoot and other mysterious cryptids.


Knowledge Can Save Lives!

I want to thank the team of Beamte Infoportal for publishing my very first German written article on their website.

(private health) Insurance and PTSD…now that sounds as a very odd combination does it not? Well, not quite but…you must have an open mind to see the connection. And, how it might even prevent people committing suicide.

PTBS: Ihr Zustand ist nicht Ihr Endergebnis (

Trauma(s), PTSD and CPTSD is invisible to the outside world but it is very realistic and does not only creep into the lives of military personnel. It can hit anyone!  Dealing with the nightmares of a traumatic event and thus the multiple after effects (behaviours) is a normal reaction but not quite understood with family, friends and therapists/psychologists. This can result in people sliding into a health threatening addiction and/or spending a huge amount of money on stuff simply to compromise this feeling of emptiness, confusion, mental decay and, not being understood while looking in the abyss of their own psyche. 

Now this feeling of being in a downwards spiral could have been prevented tremendously when people were properly informed in front about the opportunity of them being able to close an insurance for these murky moments in life. I mean, although it is still a bit odd for many, understanding these conditions on a deeper level AND bringing an insurance that is also covering professional support, including the medication that is accompanied with, into the open, the threshold is much lower and can even result in a less percentage of suicides. Simply because the problems someone is dealing with are not directly related to this scary idea of visiting a psychologist.  Similar to having a life insurance.

PTBS: Ihr Zustand ist nicht Ihr Endergebnis (

In a nutshell, I believe that once these darker moments in life are better understood, also private health insurers, as can be found on the website of Beamte Infoportal, can offer more personalized and detailed advice.

So, click the above link then ‘Wissenblog’ then ‘Weiterlesen’ and my very first German written article will pop up on your screen. Please, share this with German reading/speaking family, friends, colleagues and let them know that their condition is not their conclusion.

Also, when you scroll down to the end of the article you see ‘Autorin: Maria Anna van Driel’. When you click my name you will be directed to the website of The Next Truth.
