Month: April 2022

Evolution and Human History: Is Our Understanding About It Truly Correct?

We tend to think that evolution is a smooth line of changes in the characteristics of a species over several generations and relies on the process of natural selection. This, by the majority, accepted theory of an almost vivid and detailed description of human ascent from a tiny, one-celled monad is so convincing that one could almost believe science has seen the microscopic amoeba turn into a man with their own eyes. But does the theory of evolution merit a fanatical support, which would silence all opposing ideas? 

Yes, goose bumpy indeed but, when digging a bit deeper into Darwin’s personal history we find that he didn’t gave the proper credit to those who wrote and theorized about the evolution of Earth’s flora and fauna before him, or during his life.  He took these research findings, added his personal idea’s and research to it and, after being laughed at and pointed to the exit several times, presented/published it as his own. (using ones research and theories is alright as long as you give credit to your peers)

Although this might stir up some comfort-zones, we might give ourselves some blame as well. I mean, we blindly accept what is been written in history books. Think about it…we give credit to Thomas Edison for inventing the light bulb but, it was Sir Joseph Wilson Swan, an English physicist, who, one year earlier, invented a practical and longer-lasting electric light bulb.  It seems that the ‘history’ we have become familiar with, is not quite accurate. 

This brings me to evolution in general.  It sounds more than logic when pioneering idea’s and theories are pointed in a direction of us, the human species as we know it today, that we might not be that old as we think. It could easily be that we are not older than a few centuries. It might be highly possible that the modern human species, has a history not much older than one or two generations before the ancient Egyptians. Well, if that could be fact than it is also more than logic that we are still see creatures like Bigfoot roaming the forests or snowy areas. Or, see subtle ripples on the surface of a large lake indicating that something enormous is swimming by.   

Live, evolution and yes even religion, is still wrapped in a mind dazzling mystery.  It seems that we are a very young species that is trying to crawl out of the cradle we call ‘evolution’.

Click here to read the full article on Medium

‘Masking’ in order to fit in today’s society


Emotional Avoidance, Analytical Thinking and Self Reflection After a Traumatic Experience

  • This article is a small sampling of several chapters of a book I am writing, “Extrasensory Perception: The physical existence of an unseen world”. Meaning, due to the fact it is written from a personal point of view, it contains less clinical in-depth as can be read in my previous articles on PTSD and CPTSD.

Although the following pages might create a feeling of ‘What the heck?!” with some people, the content is neither meant as an attack on anyone or any website nor is it as me complaining about peoples thoughts and/or views on how to write/speak about the nasty effects from PTSD and/or CPTSD. I am writing this to draw the attention on the slowly growing but still shallow knowledge regarding to how many are processing and reacting on traumatic events experienced while being in a toxic relationship.

Some time ago I submitted my articles “Suck it Up and Get Over it Princess!” and “PTSD: Your Condition is Not Your Conclusion” to an educational site on PTSD. The editor responded by email saying that my articles are being considered for publication but, with some small adjustments. I have been kindly asked to soften the tone in the art, “Suck it Up and Get Over it Princess!”, to leave out words like “psychopathic” and not to link violence to mental illness. Nor should articles published on this site discuss medication used to treat PTSD. On the latter, according to my best of knowledge, I have not done so. Frankly, I am of the opinion that many of the medications prescribed by therapists were not necessary in the first place. And, with some clients, even have created unnecessary chaos in their mind and/or life.

Nevertheless, I fully understand that particular language used in my articles e.g. describing the general mind-set and horrific behaviours of criminals and explaining some of my personal experiences from the field, can have an shocking effect with some. But, as soon as a 1st responder start speaking up his/her mind on what they have experienced or are experiencing, don’t silence them by saying that ‘incorrect language’ is used.

Click here to read the full article on Medium

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