Month: June 2018

EVP’s: What in the …bleep… are we really recording?!

In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it just transforms from one form to another like chemical energy can be converted to kinetic energy and can act like an explosion of that of a stick of dynamite.
This kind of energy is not only a good candidate for creating an EVP but also to lift an arm or to turn the head of a creepy looking doll.
The question in this matter is, WHEN is it that we are creating this energy and … WHEN NOT?!

Understanding how some ‘Earthly’ crystals can act as crazy entities and create many creepy effects in e.g. EVP’s when triggered by light, vibrations, electricity, magnetism and temperature differences, is one thing but … may I suggest an interesting as well as the one of the creepiest theories of all?
What if the recordings you have captured during an investigation was not created by a crystal created by the Earths pressure?
What if this (or these) crystal(s) came from outer-space due a process known in Astrobiology as ‘Panspermia’?
(A theory of life on the Earth being originated from microorganisms and/or chemical precursors of life present in outer space)

Thus if we are the ones responsible for triggering the crystals in the most diverse objects as well as around some ancient places like for instance ‘Stonehenge’ or ‘The Pyramids of Giza’, we maybe have to change the question of ‘WHEN’ is it that we are creating this energy and ‘WHEN NOT?’ into ‘What in the … bleep … are we really recording?! 


Big field fire in Germany and I became a part of the news :)

“Several hectares of field between Dahlen and Bucha in flames”
Source: Sven Bartsch

Stories are really ‘everywhere’ even in the most unexpected corners! 

This afternoon I was walking my dog … throwing a ball than … my eye captured an enormous, thick, grayish cloud on the horizon, growing bigger and bigger.  Fire? … FIRE!  Instinctively I turned around … YES, A STORY!  My dog, with her ball in her mouth, ran after me. “No time to play girl, I have to get my cameras!”  Out of breath I ran into the house and towards my equipment; “Fire! … There is a big fire, quick start the car and hit the gas!” (Shit, I have no condition … pffft) “Fuck, where is my press card! Has anyone see my pre… never mind, got it.”  I throw everything in the back seat of the car … stick the press card behind the windshield that says I’m from the European press and prepare my camera that can take both photos and moving images.  “Can this fucking car not go faster, that snail just passed us!”  (I am too late … I am too late)  When I finally arrive at the scene of the disaster, well disaster …  nevertheless, I jump out of the car with a rolling camera.
The heat of the flames are hitting me in the face as I hear a voice coming from somewhere out of the thick smoke; “Who are you? … What are you doing here?”  A big firefighter is walking towards me … “Press, I’m from the press.” Under some slight protest, I am tolerated at the scene and I walk with my camera between the fires and firemen taking photos and recording what is happening. Two hours after I mailed my side of the story to several newspapers, I see the first articles rolling over the net but they are not mine… FUCK!  But it got even more … (*@#ß?*@!) … one of my ‘colleagues’ was faster than me and got his photo published in where I was filming the firemen.  Well people, I got my story but it turned out it was published from a slightly different angle as I had hoped it would be … HA HA HA.  (photo above)  

Source: Maria Anna van Driel
Source: Maria Anna van Driel



03/06/18… Kalkbergwerk Miltitz, Germany

After 7 months wandering the terrains of many scientific facilities, institutes and universities, ‘The Next Truth’ is traveling through time and space while breaking the boundaries with the speed of Lambda*nu.
This year we will start with the publication of the magazine ‘The Next Truth’ that highlights mind dazzling paradoxes and gnawing questions concerning the well-kept secrets of the paranormal and the universe combined with scientific facts.
