Day: October 28, 2016

Paranormal Underground Radio; an interview with Nick Groff & Katrina Weidman … and me speaking of the Castle von Frankenstein

Paranormal Underground Radio broadcasting an interview with Nick Groff who is speaking of his near death experience and Katrina Weidman suddenly goes off air in a spooky manner while speaking about how paranormal activities do increase during their lock-downs.


At 1 hour and 37 minutes into the program, you can hear me telling the story of Castle von Frankenstein were my husband and I stayed overnight in the woods of which people heard strange noises and say the spirit of Dippel von Frankenstein is still roaming looking for death body-parts in ghostly graves from the past.

Scary answers at the castle von Frankenstein (part 1)
Scary answers at the castle von Frankenstein (part 2)
