Day: July 6, 2016

Book trailer; Vol 3 ‘The Source of Immortality’

This is what the text in the book-trailer says;
“There is only ONE rule…never reveal any secret knowledge what can awaken the imprisoned communion.
If this rule is being broken by any member of the order, punishment in being expelled will be inevitable!
Ecco ego conteram praecepta.
‘The Source of Immortality’ is written for those who are strong enough to face the deepest darkness in themselves.
A book that speaks of an odd truth of a 52.00 year old but advanced technology and … a dark secret from an ancient past what has being hidden from the public view by … medieval ecclesiastical leaders … over more than 500 years.
With the knowledge of potential danger in being expelled, I give you the opportunity to see real ancient rituals and the secrets of a dark medieval knowledge which is known today as…the system!”
 (Click on the photo for cover new