Day: April 11, 2014

Once I heard a professor say that when lifeforms from outside our galaxy…

Once I heard a professor say that when life forms from outside our galaxy would visit us they probably would be hostile because it would be a primitive form of life.
He was convinced that WE on this globe have more advanced technology that life from another planet or universe.
My rhetorical question was; “Thus when you have the knowledge and capability to travel through space which is vacuum and even have the capability to enter and to survive two rings of high radiation (Van Allen radiation belt) before you can reach the earth surface means that you are primitive?”

If we have visitors from outer space it will be a life forms in a way of;
A unmanned vessels (drones),
B bacteria that can coop with extreme heat,
C creatures that were evolved in a chemo-synthetic process

His answer was; “When bacteria from outer space can reach the earth surface is survived the Van Allen radiation belt with a possibility that an accelerated evolution had take place before it hid the ground you and I are walking on.
The possibility that a second evolution will take place by means of using the different element in the polluted atmosphere you and I are breathing which means that an unnatural chemical reaction takes place.
Like a sibling it will copy our behavior, when it entered the Van Allen radiation belt what contains a high level of radiation it will be stronger and faster but with a hunger for blood.
Strange creatures are reported all over the world thus could it be that an alien invasion already had occurred but through the daily distraction that is throwing at us we do not see this?
When we meet this kind of extraterrestrial life, we are looking in the eyes of our past selves that is trying to survive in a way we forgot.
Therefore, if we are being visit by extraterrestrial life it will be primitive and hostile.”

Different kind of species that can have evolved outside the galaxy we are swirling in were the next 45 min of the discussion.
The philosophical conclusion, we agreed both to be right about unicellular life-forms and evolved life-forms.
The only thing what could be proven during our conversation were the chemical elements.

Let’s think a bit in the devises we know are built on this planet, like H.A.A.R.P. and WOODPECKER.
What if these devises can shoot coded photons into the atmosphere, reach Van Allen radiation belt and can find a way back to the earth-surface.
Could it mean that this technique can create a hostile alien invasion based on our own DNA information?
Scary isn’t, that a small thing like coded photon can create such big and deathly event?


People WAKE UP and start to recognize your history, start to see what lies hidden beyond the initial frequencies of the 2D images you have taken for real life.
All those devises like H.A.A.R.P., WOODPECKER and GWEN towers are giving you ‘Brain Fog’ meaning that you can’t see what is really happening in the world.
WAKE UP and see the ‘Silent war’.