Day: August 20, 2012

Bush ask you to donated your embryo to science

“A large numbers of these embryo’s already exists.

They are the product of a process called (….) fertilization witch helps so many couples to conceive children.

When doctors… live out site the womb they use to produce more embryo’s that is implanted in the mother.

Once a couple has successful has children or if they are unsuccessful, the additional embryo’s remain frozen in laboratories.

Some will not survive the long storage others are destroyed, a number are donated to science in use to create prived founded stem cell lines…..”

The rest is bla bla bla except for the fact that they can redraw stem cells from adults! ( 02:17) and that the research  is being payed with federal money….YOUR TAX MONEY!

“Why in the World are They Spraying?” Full Length Documentary HD
August 19, 2012

WHY in the World are They Spraying? is an investigative documentary into one of the many hidden agendas associated with chemtrail/geo-engineering programs.  Various groups are quietly pursuing these programs, but why and for whose gain?

This film is the follow-up to the groundbreaking documentary “What in the World are They Spraying?” which woke up millions to the damaging effects of chemtrails and other geo-engineering programs.  As a result, movements around the world are being formed to address these crimes and many concerned citizens are taking action.  As people become aware of “what” is happening, they are now asking the even more important question of “why” it’s happening.  Michael J. Murphy, originator and Co-Producer of “What in the World are They Spraying?,” in association with Barry Kolsky, have produced “WHY in the World are They Spraying?” to answer that question.

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