Category: Dark and Malevolent Paranormal moments

Stress, Dissociation and Depression; Do They Trigger the Brain to Create Vivid Paranormal Phenomenon?

California State University’s Prof of psychology, Matthew J. Sharps weighs in

Click the ‘PLAY-BUTTON’ in ‘THE NEXT TRUTH…ONLINE RADIO’ on the right and listen to the TNT-Podcast interview of Prof. Matthew J. Sharps

‘What is real and what is not?’ A ghostly apparition gliding the grounds of a cemetery, the, during a traditional ritual, summoned deities or the car in the garage?  Odd as it may sound on the latter, the truth is, we have no clue what this mathematical Matrix around us, truly contains.

As far as it is known, our brain has yet not learned how to place a concept into the frame of classical reality….how to convert the geometric design(s) of nature herself, into an understandable language.

So, like water is choosing the easiest way to descent, the brain seems automatically grabbing to what it is that is the most logical translation of what it ‘thinks’ it is perceiving and, in a most creative manner,  it starts filling in the blanks of whatever it might be that is dwelling in a dark forest or crossing the skies with a speed that breaks all laws of physics.

What is the purpose for us to fill in these blanks with Mother nature’s monsters, UFO’s or a conspiracy theory?  Is it a neuron-psychological defense mechanism?  Where lies the origin of this stimulus what is triggering the brain in believing its own creations and…what would happen if people would perceive classical reality for what it is by nature?

I am your host Maria Anna van Driel… and you’re listening to “The Next Truth; Where Science and Myth Meet” and this week I am speaking with Matthew Sharps who is a Professor of psychology at the California State University, Fresno… about how modern and traditional religion, and the rituals within, are merged with the paranormal believes.

“Processing Under Pressure” – 2nd Edition 2nd Edition via amazon

Are Extraterrestrials Visiting Our Planet and…Where Are They?!

With author and UFO researcher, Philip Mantle

Click the ‘PLAY-BUTTON’ in the side bar ‘THE NEXT TRUTH…ONLINE RADIO’ on the right and listen to the TNT-Podcast interview of UFO-researcher Philip Mantle.

The UFO subject as we know it came to the public’s attention on June 24th, 1947 when private pilot Kenneth Arnold, flying over the Cascade Mountains in the USA, witnessed a formation of objects that he could not identify.  Speaking later to a journalist regarding the encounter, Arnold was asked how this formation of objects moved through the air, and his response was: “Like a skipping saucer across a pond.”  From that moment on, the coined phrase ‘Flying Saucer’ was born.”

This is what author writes in his book, ‘INTRODUCING UFOs – A Young Person’s Guide’.  Philip Mantle, the former Director of Investigations for the British UFO Research Association and the MUFON Representative for England, has selected several UFO cases, and their histories from the 1940’s onwards, and placed them underneath a magnifying glass for you to explore.  But these documentations written in his book are not meant to be in-depth, but rather to illustrate the case in as brief a way as possible, without missing the most notable points.

I am your host Maria Anna van Driel… and you’re listening to “The Next Truth; Where Science and Myth Meet”…. and this week I am speaking with the founder of ‘Flying Disk Press’ Philip Mantle, who is a long-standing UFO researcher and author from West Yorkshire, UK,…. about… why are we still in the dark when it comes to extraterrestrial life visiting our planet and which of their advanced technologies has already applied to Earthly technologies.


What is dwelling beyond our Peripheral Vision

With the Co-founder and Team Medium of Paranormal Research York, Kevin Spindloe

Click the ‘PLAY-BUTTON’ in the side bar ‘THE NEXT TRUTH…ONLINE RADIO’ on the right and listen to the TNT-Podcast interview of lightworker Kevin Spindloe

Science, so many state, has been a great destroyer of myth and superstition, but over time scientists have created new black boxes, aka a photo or film camera, which we are filling with our ghostly imaginations.

What also may surprise you is that scientific icons like Newton, Boyle, Edison and Einstein, and many others of similar standing, took reports of those phenomena occurring beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding, quite seriously.

Theology, philosophy, mythology and even physics when looking at Euclidean geometry, are offering surprising insights in the worlds of those spirits who are generally causing a ruckus in a household. But just because a candle falls off your mantel does not mean you have a clumsy demon in the house. It doesn’t even necessarily mean you have a poltergeist who has a crush on your new sneakers.

Still, even though many believe in the existence of ghosts, spirits, demons and angles, there is still a lot of confusion over what actually is lurking in these dim and elusive realms.

Some say, is a spirit, a ghost or even a demon that is throwing things around in your home. Others say it is only the manifestation of a person’s psychokinetic energy, or PK activity, that is acting out.

I am your host Maria Anna van Driel… and you’re listening to “The Next Truth; Where Science and Myth Meet”.     This week I am welcoming back the Co-founder and Team Medium of Paranormal Research York from the United Kingdom Kevin Spindloe and talk with him about …  what it is that is dwelling beyond our peripheral vision.

An extra- or intra-dimensional entity like that of a poltergeist, or an alien, after all?


Does the Complex Symbolism in our Dreams Expose Our Darker Side?

With best-selling author and world-renowned dream expert, Jason M. DeBord

Listen to Jason M. DeBord’s podcast via You Tube or, via Stage 32

Analytical psychology is the name Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, gave to his new “empirical science” of the psyche to distinguish it from Freud’s psychoanalytic theories as their seven year collaboration on psychoanalysis was drawing to an end between 1912 and 1913.

In Jungian psychology, the shadow (also known as id, shadow aspect, or shadow archetype) is either an unconscious aspect of the personality that the conscious ego does not identify as itself; or the entirety of the unconscious.

Click the ‘PLAY-BUTTON’ in the side bar ‘THE NEXT TRUTH…ONLINE RADIO’ on the right and listen to (part 1) of the TNT-Podcast of Jason M. DeBord. Or, download both part 1 &2 of his podcast below.

But even though these shadowy figures (malevolent or not) may appear in dreams and visions in various forms and sometimes overwhelms a person’s actions; for example, when the conscious mind is shocked, confused, or paralyzed by indecision  …Carl Jung stated the shadow to be the unknown dark side of the personality.

J.M. DeBord, aka “RadOwl,” is the author of three books about dreams including the best selling Dream Interpretation Dictionary. He explains this complex subject simply and easily and empowers readers to discover their innate abilities to know the meaning and significance of their dreams.

Jung also writes that if these shadowy projections remain hidden, “the projection-making factor then has a free hand and can realize its object—if it has one—or bring about some other situation characteristic of its power.” These projections insulate and harm individuals by acting as a constantly thickening veil of illusion between the ego and the real world.

For many, these scary shadows are disembodied humans who are lost; refusing to go toward the light.

For others, these shadowy figures are just a result of sleep paralysis.

I am your host Maria Anna van Driel… and you’re listening to “The Next Truth; Where Science and Myth Meet” and this week I am speaking with world-renowned dream expert and best-selling author of  4 books,  Jason M. DeBord. What do dreams reveal us about ourselves and…do they hold some clues about the future?


How to Work With Your Abilities as a Psychic Medium

With internationally-known professional Psychic Medium Tracy Farquhar

No one can deny that computers and electronics have revolutionized life on this planet and many serious researchers are claiming that some of this gadgetry can be useful in a quite unexpected way: to contact the dead … or at least to allow the dead to contact us.

Of course we are scared of them and even if we don’t believe in them, subconsciously we cannot ignore them.  But is our encounter with ghosts, or the dead,  only till the horror flicks or stories about them?  No!  Since ages we have been fascinated about the hereafter, what happens to us after we die and… in communicating with those who already crossed over just to know a little bit more about ‘their’ world.

Séances, Ouija Boards, Tarot cards…  attempts to communicate with the dead have been documented back to early human history and became quite popular in the 19th-century United States and the United Kingdom.

But if any of the methods for communicating with the dead work, why don’t we receive more convincing information from the other side?  Perhaps we are not allowed to get better information and… for whatever reason… perhaps the possibility of a life after death is supposed to remain a mystery.

I am your host Maria Anna van Driel… and you’re listening to “The Next Truth; Where Science and Myth Meet”,   and this week I am speaking with internationally-known,  professional psychic medium Tracy Farquhar about what it  means to be a psychic medium in the 21st century.  


Sleep Disorders and the Paranormal; Is There a Scientific Connection?

With Clinical Psychologist Dr. Brian Sharpless

Download the audio file (MP3) and listen to the podcast of Dr. Brian Sharpless

Brian A. Sharpless is a licensed psychologist and author with interests in unusual psychological disorders, psychodynamic psychotherapy, and the history and philosophy of clinical psychology.

The ghost in the machine”, many people have heard this term at least one time in their life. It was a paper which was written by Coventry University lecturer Vic Tandy and published in April 1998 by the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research.

Working alone in the lab one night, Tandy suddenly gained the feeling he was being watched. He claimed a dark, shadowy figure appeared in the corner of his vision. When Tandy turned to face this shadowy figure…it vanished.

To many, these shadowy figures are better known as the Shadow People.

They are being skests as a malevolent and creepy phenomenon and have being reported by witnesses as human-like shaped dark shadows having ill intentions standing alongside your bed…watching you.   

Even these eerie phenomena’s have being reported for decades, it is not your mind simply playing tricks on you.  There might be a more simpler and scientific explanation for things like ghosts, demonic hauntings and…shadow people.

I am your host Maria Anna van Driel… and you’re listening to “The Next Truth; Where Science and Myth Meet”,   and this week I am speaking with clinical psychologist, Professor Brian Sharpless about  the most creepiest sleep disorders, what treatments are there and…how deeply these disorders are woven into the paranormal.

Are those things you see in the darkness more than just a shadow?


The Netherlands and the Netherworld are More Closely Connected than You May Think!

With Dutch Paranormal Investigator, Veronique Lamers

Click the ‘PLAY-BUTTON’ in the side bar ‘THE NEXT TRUTH…ONLINE RADIO’ on the right and listen to the podcast of Veronique Lamers

Nothing beats a good ghost story on Halloween, and our planet is chock full of them: UFO sightings in Transylvania, murders on luxury cruise ships, and spirits wandering the halls of British castles. No matter where you’re traveling, you’re sure to find some sort of haunted site, as well as a ghost tour to go along with it.

This also in the Netherlands

The Netherlands and the netherworld are more closely connected than you may think!   Dutch shores… fields and streets are riddled with myths and whispers of the deceased who might still be roaming there.

Even though the Witte Wieven, or “devious wise women” in older Dutch, are among the more famous classic ghosts in Dutch folklore, there is also the story of the Zeedijk ghost.

A tanner’s daughter from Zeedijk named Dina was dating a young sailor, to the envy of her sister Helena. One day, when he was out sailing, the sisters fought viciously. In a flurry of anger, Helena pushed Dina down the basement stairs, beat her to death, and threw the hatch shut. She got to marry the sailor instead of Dina, but Helena spent her years wracked with guilt.

She finally admitted to the murder on her deathbed, and the sailor turned away from her in disgust. She died miserable and alone. That very night, residents of the Zeedijk were aroused by chilling wails and raging howls. Lone wanderers in Zeedijk still encounter the lonely ghost of Helena from time to time.

I am your host Maria Anna van Driel… and you’re listening to “The Next Truth; Where Science and Myth Meet”,   and this week I am speaking with Dutch paranormal researcher Veronique Lamers… about which secrets still lies beyond the limits of our understanding regarding to the hereafter.  


Are We Aware of Our Journey to a Realm aka ‘The Afterlife’?

With author Lynn Russell

Are we, in some unexplainable manner, 100% aware of this final journey we take in the moment death is medically declared?  Or is it just the mind playing tricks with you?

Several years ago Lynn was delighted to research 2500 near-death experiences for Dr. Jeffery Long. She was so delighted with the spiritual knowledge coming back that she wanted to tell everyone. Thus she wrote a book, THE WONDER OF YOU, What the Near-Death Experience Tells You about Yourself. This book covers a very wide range of experiences and takes the reader through the different aspects of the experience to bring out the deep learning of spirituality.

Traditionally, death has been determined by the medical profession using basic methods.  These methods took the form of using either a heart or lung functioning criteria for death.  To declare ones death, physicians would ‘feel for the pulse, listen for breathing, hold a mirror before the nose to test for condensation, and looked to see if the pupils were fixed.

But, as medical technology developed, a gap began to form between traditional cardiopulmonary standards and our conceptions of death. The spirit world became both an accepted fact for many and a topic for myriad scientific researchers. 

I am your host Maria Anna van Driel… and you’re listening to “The Next Truth; Where Science and Myth Meet” and this week I am speaking with the author of “The Wonder of Your” Lynn Kathleen Russell about if Near death and Out of Body Experiences are our connection with this vast space we have become familiar with as, the universe.


Jack the Ripper; A Man or A Myth?

With Retired British Murder Squad Detective Trevor Marriott

In the autumn of 1888 a series of brutal murders in the East End of London lit a flame that sent shockwaves reverberating around the civilized world and caused a scandal that struck right at the heart of the British establishment.

During the 1880s, the city of London was in parts a dirty, rotten, festering maze of slums replete with wandering gin addicts and foul-mouthed harlots and was experiencing a population explosion, with immigrants from around the world coming to the great city to find work. 

But it wasn’t exactly the land of hope and glory for everybody, and some of the streets in the poorer East end of the city were a long way from being a yellow brick road.

This is where our man Jack the Ripper chose to ply his trade.

I am your host Maria Anna van Driel… and you’re listening to “The Next Truth; Where Science and Myth Meet” and this week I am speaking with retired British murder squad detective Trevor Marriott about what drove this serial killer nabbing mostly working girls from the streets and brutally killing them in 1888 and… did he figured out this mystery of who Jack the Ripper was?


The Next Truth edition of October 2020, Out Now!

For print-on-demand issues, visit us via MagCloud

With Halloween just around the corner, it’s time to delve into the dark, the eerie and the unsettling. What better time to celebrate the scariest holiday other than 00:00 on a chilly night.

Therefore, The Next Truth has found some unsettling stories which are spine-tingling without a doubt. CIA office haunting, horror tales straight from prison, plants which can turn you into a vicious and bloodthirsty murderer and invisible crawling creatures looking for their next banquet … YOU!

Ouija boards: Science explains the spooky sensation

If you haven’t been scared yet, it’s time to get rolling. Grab a blanket and a hot drink and dive into these deliciously but REAL spooky stories. Just make sure you’re not reading this alone during those late-night office hours!

We hope you enjoy this month’s issue. 
