Category: H.A.A.R.P. / GWEN/ LRAD/ ELF/ EMF/ Directed energy/ …

Holographic 911; seeing IS believing!

As a freelance journalist (member of the DJV – German Association of Journalists) I am covering non-fictional stories concerning scientific facts in Quantum & Astrophysics … technologies which are silently being tested on the common people as well as the medical versions of it are being tested on soldiers, pilots, NAVY sailors during their training AND the mechanical versions on the battlefield itself.

The technology which is being used during 911 for instance, is one of those stories I covered and is published by the German magazine Q-PHAZE in the issue of Sept. 2016 baring the title: Das holografische 911 – sehen IST glauben.
(Holographic 911; seeing IS believing!)


Paranormal Underground Radio commercial about my books

My commercial can be heard at 1 hour and 27 minutes into the program of Paranormal Underground Radio;


‘Holographic 911, seeing IS believing’ (an article of mine in the German languish)

Q-PHAZE; a magazine with courage!

Today I had the privilege to receive the latest edition of the German magazine Q-PHAZE, a magazine which is not only a pleasant read but gives you also a lot of information to think about.

  Interesting topics as The Knights Templar, the angel of Chinchero and 911 are discussed in this 44th edition.

Q-PHAZE; Roth verlag;




Subliminal messages; what the Government(s) are saying and you do not hear.


Maybe it is interesting to know that not only the titles of my book contain a hidden message, also the covers of my books have a meaning in color.

Every cover points to the next one … BLACK as in Teutonic as well as in a blind fury which I explain in Vol.2 the origin of.

BLUE is the ‘above’ as well as it tells something about the ‘blue source’ of ancient nations what is discussed in Vol 3.

WHITE is the contrast of black as well as it is the color of ‘the enlightened ones’.

RED is the ‘below’ of Vol. 2 as well as it speaks off the history and true reality of medieval rituals we know today as Alchemy.

‘Black and blue’ is referring to the night as ‘white and red’ is referring to the day as well as it is referring to two Templar groups we know as the THULE and VRIL society from e.g. WWII.

The covers are showing the ‘as above,so below’ in a symbolic languish.

frankrijk  Capture  911


Holographic 911; Seeing is believing.

The German magazine Q-PHAZE is about to publish the German version of my article ‘Holographic 911; seeing is believing’ in the upcoming issue of September 2016.

In this article you can read a creepy but plausible theory of an untold story concerning 911.



The Shadow People, is it an ancient evolution or is our mind being affected by sound waves?

The team of ‘Paranormal Underground Radio’ and I are working on a broadcast which is a sequel on this theory of mine in dark matter/energy being a silver-cord between the universe and us only this time I went further by combine physics with an ancient evolution we know as …

‘The Shadow People’.

(The date of the broadcast is still unknown at the moment)


The NWO, it is already here!

A global secret society called ‘The New World Order’, is it real or an illusion?



A global secret society called ‘The New World Order’, is it real or an illusion?

“We shall have a One World Government, whether or not we like it.
The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”
-James Paul Warburg, February 17, 1950

Looking at what is all happening in the world at the moment, it looks more like a chaotic precursor which could lead up to a possible horrific devastation of our society as we know it today.

Thousands of years ago, our ancestors changed their diet what gave a result in a strange evolution in creating machines to support their religion.
Mistakes after mistakes were made in which many people and animals found their death, mistakes which we have learned to see as ‘ritual killings’ or ‘blood sacrifices’ instead of a strange kind of progress in evolution created by accident.

According to modern history book; our historical behavior was brutal!
But was it really?
Were our ancestors really that barbaric?
Did they really run around like mad-man looking for cutting off the head of their next victim’s or is history a little bit different from what we have learned in school?
Is there a possibility that many ancient architectural buildings contained an advanced technology and became today’s smart technology?

Were the medieval Knights Templar tricked into a ritual of blood sacrifice called a ‘Cruac ritual’?
Do today’s political figures have the same function as Pharaohs had in being ‘elected’ to be sacrificed for a greater but greedy purpose?
And one of the scariest question of all; did 911 happened as we think it happened?


Click on the image and go to Amazon

This, for the still sleeping mind, dangerous written book ‘The NWO, their thoughts…your life’ does attack your supposed logical thinking, is the first step towards understanding the lies the global population was told for more than 200 years as well as the agenda of how take over the e.g. financial world by manipulating your way of thinking.
It was a slow process but they turned your free-will and critical thinking into a blind acceptance and taught you how to act like a well-trained pup!

Reading this book can help you to understand what is going on behind the political and financial screens in a manner what will release some anger and forces you to wake up from an illusion which is as old as the Pharaohs themselves … a fictive ruling class who were controlled by that particular family we know today as the 1%.

This book is written with a defiantly strong bite for those who have the feeling the world of today is not adding up to its natural behavior but cannot put their finger on it.

By sneaking into a crazy history, the chaotic present and a scary future you will have the opportunity to peek at e.g. corrupted royals, the connection between Churchill and Jack the Ripper, political humor and rudeness in words which will become a plausible explanation of how today’s corrupt system is working; a system what is known by the global population as ‘society’.

A global secret society called The New World Order, it is already here!


Okay…a Portuguese website is providing my You Tube video’s…COOL

book adver





‘Pokemon go’ … do you understand my video clip?!

Click on the image of the book in order to go to

